A Really Big Question

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A/N another revised chapter enjoy :)


Owen was going to take me to the farm for dinner out by the pond. It was going to be a beautiful night under the stars. He used to help me try to catch the biggest frogs in the pond when we were younger. We were inseparable, well until he left town for college and I stayed here. He promised to call every night but that didn’t last long.

 I was so mad at him when he came back to town without even thinking about calling me to tell me he was back. I gave him hell for it too; I tend to be a little over dramatic sometimes. I’m hoping tonight will be the night; I finally get to hear the three little words I’ve been longing to hear.

This was our first real date since my accident and I wanted it to be perfect. The cast was gone now and my leg has finally healed. Sure we have been out to dinner and the occasional movie but this was different.

Over the months of therapy Owen and I have become really close, well we have always been best friends, but I had always wanted more. About a month ago we officially started dating.

He sacrificed his life to take care of me. What other thirty two year old man would do that? I don’t know what I would have done without him. Walking home that night I was not expecting to be plowed down by what appeared to the police, to be a drunk driver. I won’t forget that day of the accident, they still have not found the driver who hit me, and left me to die on the street. I also remembered the first face that I saw when I woke up in that hospital room was his.

It was almost five o’clock and he would be here in about thirty minutes. I still have to figure out what I was going to wear! I think I should just wear a jean skirt and a cute tank…No maybe I should find something a little dressier. I need new clothes but there was no time to go shopping now.

“Ah ha” I exclaimed when I pulled out a cute red sun dress and my black ballet flats. The dress was made of cotton so it’s comfortable yet sexy, with a plunging neck line and a hem that stopped just above my knees. If this outfit doesn’t get his attention, I don’t know what else will. I better get dressed, I still have to fix my hair and put my makeup on.

I adjusted the top of the dress to make sure I had the adequate amount of cleavage shown. Finally, a spritz of my favorite vanilla perfume, one last glance in the mirror and I would be ready to go. I had my hair down so that it lay on my shoulders with a slight wave.

It was past five thirty, this was unlike him to be late he was always fifteen to twenty minutes early. I wonder what was keeping him. Maybe I should call his parent’s house and see if he was there. Wait, no I had better not. I don’t want to worry them. If he doesn’t call or show up soon, I’m going to start calling the hospitals.

Where was he its almost seven, and he hasn’t even called. Did something happen to him, was he in an accident? Every time I called his cell all I got was his voice mail and I was really starting to freak out now.

 “Owen call me please as soon as you get this message, I’m really worried,” I said almost in tears on his voicemail.

            It was seven thirty now and I still haven’t heard from him.

“I’m going to kill him if he wasn’t dead already,” I exclaimed. I paced the living room floor a few minutes more when I heard a knock at the front door.

 “God please let this be him and not someone coming to tell me he’s dead,” I whispered. I opened the door to see Owen standing there dripping wet. His dark hair was soaked and stuck to his face. He is grinned as he started to walk through the front door. I took a step back and slammed the door in his face. That arrogant jerk, how dare he smile like that?

“Katie wait, don’t do this, I’m sorry I’m late!” He yelled through the door. I just stood there with my back against the cold hardwood door.

 “Why didn’t you call me? I thought something had happened to you. How could you be such an inconsiderate jerk to not even pick up the phone to tell me you are going to be late?” I screamed tears streamed down my face now.

“I’m Sorry I didn’t call, I lost my phone,” he replied.

“How did you lose your phone and why are you dripping wet?”

“I had a little accident,” he said through the door.

“What kind of accident? Are you hurt?”

            “Please Katie just open the door,” he said in a soft apologetic voice. I turned and placed my right hand and forehead against the cold door. I just stood there for a minute before I finally gave in and opened the door.

I turned to walk away when he grabbed my hand and spun me around into his strong wet embrace. I pushed him back then slapped him across the face with my right hand. He grabbed his face and said “I probably deserved that.”

 I stomped off to the bathroom to wipe my face off and grab him a towel before he dripped all over my house.

 “Owen Matthews I hate you right now and you deserve a whole hell of a lot more than just a slap across the face” I yelled down the hall.

“I know I probably do deserve the hell you are putting me through right now, but you need to calm down,” he said.

“I need to calm down. What right do you have to tell me to calm down? I waited for you to call, and worried out of my mind about you thinking you were dead!” I yelled.

“I’m not dead I’m right here perfectly alive and well just soaked to the bone and freezing,” he laughed.

“I’m getting you a towel hold on… I’m not that insensitive. You probably have some dry clothes around here somewhere.” I looked into the mirror and checked to make sure my mascara wasn’t all over my face.

I walked back into the living room to find Owen kneeling on one knee. I stopped abruptly and dropped the towel I held. He held in his right hand a small square black velvet box.

“Katie I have loved you from the very first moment I saw you in your front yard chasing butterflies. Do you remember the roses that were left on your front swing? I left them there with the note that said ‘forever and always’. I wanted to tell you how I felt then but was worried you did not feel the same. When I saw you lying there motionless on that gurney the night of your accident, my heart stopped because I thought I had lost you forever. I swore to God that if he would just let me keep you, I would love you until the day I died. I want to keep that promise I made to God. I want to wake up to your beautiful face every morning. Katie I love you and I will continue to love you until I take my last breath. Katie, will you marry me?”

            Tears streamed down my face now, I was speechless, all I could do was nod my head yes. He stood up, walked towards me, grabbed my left hand and slid the beautiful diamond ring on my finger. Then he gently kissed my hand as I looked up into his deep blue eyes. He placed his hands on both sides of my face and kissed me as I put my hands on his chest. After what felt like hours, I gently pushed away from his lips.

            “Wait, why are you wet?” I asked.

            “Well that’s a funny story,” he chuckled.

            “Do tell, I’m dying to hear this one,” I laughed.

            “Let’s just say I ended up in the pond and not by choice.”

            “How did you manage that?”

            “That’s my secret,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me and whispered “I love you” in my ear.

 All I could do was smile as I told him “I love you too.” My dream had finally come true.

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