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I RIPPED THE HEADSET off and glared at Elijah, who was standing by Tom and looking at a computer screen.

"Do you have to ruin everything?" Elijah narrowed his eyes at me. 

"I'm going home," I told him and started getting up. Elijah zoomed over and shoved me back onto the seat. 

"You promised," he pouted.

"I did not," I scoffed. "You made that promise up in your head."

"Firstly, that's rude," he told me. "I have a perfect memory. Secondly, put the headset back on. You're going to love it."

"I'm not," I assured him. "If you make me do this, you will be at negative seventy make up points and I'll never forgive you for as long as I live."

"Why are you making such a big deal about this?" He demanded. "Just do it."

I didn't want to argue anymore in case I blurted out why it made me so uncomfortable, so I just put the headset back on and huffed. 

"You need to read the subtitles aloud," Elijah ordered me as the girl appeared again.

"Mum," she whined. I looked over and sighed.

"Yes Val?" I asked as I read the words below her.

"Liam is kicking my chair again," she told me angrily. 

"Valerie is being annoying!" Liam cried.

"Don't kick her chair," I told him. 

"You always take her side," Liam muttered and crossed his arms across his chest. I started getting hot, which was weird because it was actually a cool day today. 

I was tempted to take the headset off to see what was happening, because the heat was clearly man-made. 

"Liam got in a fight today," Valerie told me with a smirk and I heard him gasp.

"A fight?" I asked. 

"Tell her why," Valerie ordered him.

"Shut up!" He yelled at her. 

"Stop fighting," I snapped at them. "Why did you fight with someone?"

"The were bullying this girl," Liam told me and looked out of the window. "Don't tell dad, he'll yell at me."

"You know what?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why don't we go and get some ice-cream?"

"That's bullshit," Valerie muttered.

"Don't swear," I scolded her and she didn't react. It took me a moment, but I'd forgotten that this wasn't real. These two children weren't mine.

The car parked and my door flew open. I resisted the urge to laugh and climbed out. I, however, wasn't in a car and instead fell off of the chair I was in. Someone caught me just before I hit the floor and sat me back onto the seat. 

"You don't have to move Dev," Elijah told me and I sighed. I got out of the car in the animation and followed Liam and Valerie into the ice-cream shop. I looked up at the sign and frowned, it was the ice-cream shop in my city. 

"Hello happy family," an old an from behind the counter beamed. "What can I get for you?"

"Mint chocolate," Valerie tells him.

"Hokey pokey," Liam added.

"And a blue moon," I finished. The man gave us our ice-creams and we went to sit in a booth. Valerie smiled at Liam and held hers out to him.

"You want some?" She checked. He licked it, then laughed and held his out towards me. I couldn't help smiling at how adorable they were and I missed the subtitle. He pulled it away and started eating it happily and as the animated me bought the ice-cream to her lips, I felt a spoon shoved into my mouth.

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