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I SAT IN MY bedroom trying to do my homework, but I had loud music playing on one side of my room and my parents screaming at each other in the other.

I soon gave up and leaned back in my desk chair. I wasn't entirely sure where Vincent was, but seeing as Lindsay's music was up as high as it could go I could make a safe assumption that he wasn't home.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check my text messages and surprisingly enough I had two.

Every year your body replaces 98% of it's atoms.

Whats ur fav ice-cream?

I rolled my eyes at Elijah's spelling and tossed my phone onto my bed. Almost as soon as it touched the surface though, it vibrated again.

Thats rlly rude. I asked u a question.

I frowned and looked up to see Elijah hanging out of his window, which just so happened to be right in front of mine.

"Ball magnet strikes again huh?" I muttered and pulled my blind down. Elijah started spam texting me, so I hid my phone under my pillow and tried to ignore it. Within three minutes, my door was kicked open and a very offended Elijah came in.

"How could you ignore me?" He frowned.

"How could you be such an ass hole?" I scoffed. "Really Elijah? I wouldn't be able to buy a new shirt after my parent's divorce?"

"That wasn't me," he said quickly. "That was completely Kendall."

"Oh," I feigned shock. "Thanks for clearing that up. Now I feel so much better. You're so cool Eli."

"Eli?" He rose an eyebrow. "Since when do you call me Eli?"

"Since Elijah is actually kind of a cool name," I shrugged. "If cool is New Zealand, you are literally the UK. But if your brain doesn't understand that, those countries are on the polar opposite ends of each other."

"Yeah," he muttered. "I got that."

"Since Eli is the name I would give to a block of butter, it fits you perfectly," I huffed.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I told Kendall that she shouldn't talk to you like that."

"I'm sure she'll listen," I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for today in sport though, our little partnership was fun while it lasted but I guess you came to your senses."

"If ditching you is 'coming to my senses'," he scoffed, "then I do want to be a block of butter called Eli."

"Just get out," I sighed.

"I asked you what your favourite flavor is for a reason," he said. "Come on, let's go and get some."

"I don't want any," I told him. "I have homework to do."

"Over the sound of... Drake?" He scoffed. "Firstly, your sister has good taste. Secondly, get up. We are going."

"Nope," I shook my head.

"I'm twice as strong as you," he warned. "If you don't come willingly, I will have to use force."

"I don't know," I sighed. "I did win a game of dodge ball today Eli."

"Don't get cocky Dev," he chuckled as I got to my feet. As we left my house, I turned to start walking into town but Elijah grabbed my arm and held up his mother's car keys.

"You don't have your license," I rose an eyebrow at him.

"Technically right," he agreed, "but Isiah and I turn eighteen in like, six days. I totally know how to drive though. They taught me at military school."

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