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HELL HAD FROZEN OVER as Elijah and I sat with Kendall in the back of the school. The weirdest part was that Kendall had actually complimented my hair today, which was literally the same hairstyle that I'd had every day for the past six years.

"Isiah and I are staying together," Kendall told us. Elijah rolled his eyes and she smacked him on the chest. "He told me he does love me and begged me to give him another chance."

"You know who else loves you?" Elijah asked her. "Jesus, and Jesus told me in a dream last night that my brother is a bag of dicks."

Kendall laughed, the wind chime one that I'd only heard her have around Elijah.

"I have to get going," Kendall sighed. "Isiah and I are skipping the last two periods to go watch a movie."

"Cute," Elijah mocked and watched her walk away. "Me and my friends are going out tonight, you want to come?"

"Why not," I shrugged. "I have nothing better to do."

"When do you ever do anything that would be better than hanging out with me?" Elijah smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed.

Later that night, I got a text from Elijah telling me that his friends were around the corner, so I grabbed my jacket and crept out of the house. When I opened the door, Elijah was waiting for me by my mailbox.

"So where are we going?" I checked.

"You'll see," he smirked. A black van turned the corner and pulled up in front of Elijah and I. The back door rolled open and Tom was kneeling there with a grin on his face.

"Good evening Devon," he greeted and I smiled back at him. He moved out of the way and Elijah climbed in first. After I followed Elijah in, I noticed that there weren't enough seats. Which was strange because this was a van.

"Don't worry Dev, there's a seat for you," Elijah assured me. I took a secondary look around the van, then I saw that Elijah was gesturing towards his lap.

"Ew," I scrunched my nose up at him. "I'd rather sit on a cactus."

"I have a heart you know," he muttered.

"The back seats fold down," Hardy chuckled. Tom showed me and I thanked him before sitting down and putting my seat belt on. Vernon wasn't here, but Mona had turned around in the front seat to looked at Elijah and I.

"What have you two shit heads been up to?" She asked.

"We went to the legal courts for school the other day for school," Elijah told her. "Dev had a panic attack after she locked eyes with a guy while we were waiting for an elevator."

"You make it sound like I'm a baby," I huffed. "There was a number of things that caused that panic attack. Like, the metal detector went off on the guy in front of me and that freaked me out, then Mrs Holland told us not to look criminals in the eyes and I thought that that man was a criminal and it was a very anxiety-inducing situation."

"Mhmm," Elijah hummed.

Mona turned the radio on and some song by the Arctic Monkeys was playing, which really didn't surprise me as Mona seemed like the kind of person who listened to bands like that. The drive to wherever we were going was a lot longer than I thought it would be, two hours longer to be precise.

Hardy pulled into the completely deserted parking lot of a stadium. I looked at Elijah in confusion, and he just smirked.

"Come on," he ushered me out of the car. Once he was standing on the ground, Elijah stretched his arms out in front of him and looked around. "Remember what to do if you see cops?"

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