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KENDALL HAD ASKED ME to be her maid of honour, which I of course said yes to. The problem with being a maid of honour, however, was that you were expected to know what to do. Kendall had scheduled a dress fitting or whatever you called them and she brought Lindsay and I along. 

"I'm surprised that Elijah wanted to watch Millicent," Lindsay told me as we waited for Kendall in dress number one. 

"He's never met her before," i shrugged. "He probably just wants to get to know her."

"He wouldn't have anything to do with why I found her Ken doll in a dress, would he?" She chuckled. "I asked her why he was wearing it and she started yelling at me about how boys can wear girls clothes and makeup too."

"That would be his fault," I nodded.

"What's going on with you two?" She checked. "Are you back together or not?"

"Nope," I answered. "I'm fine with being friends, but I'm over him."

"Sure," she smirked. 

I went to say something to assure her that I was never going to get back with him when Kendall appeared.

She stepped on the pedestal to look at herself in the mirror and I pursed my lips. This dress was sleeveless and  lace with spaghetti straps and a kind of upside down triangle cutout in the back. There was a ribbon sitting at the bottom of the cut out and the dress had a tail.

"So?" Kendall asked and took a deep breath. She looked at me in the mirror and I smiled. "What do you think?"

"It's nice," I told her.

"But?" She frowned.

"What does the ribbon do?" I asked. "If I untie it, will the dress fall apart?"

"It's just there for decoration," she answered. 

"It's a no from me," I sighed. Kendall looked at Lindsay, but she shook her head too. Kendall went to get changed into another dress and Lindsay turned to me again/

"So you're telling me that there's not a single chance in hell that you'd date him again?" She checked.

"What are you?" I scoffed. "Has he gotten you to spy on me or something?"

"No," she clicked her tongue at me. "I'm just curious."

"Well stop being curious," I ordered here. "We're here for our, soon to be, sister-in-law and we need to be focused on her. Not stupid ass teenage feelings."

"Mhmm," she hummed. "One more question though."

"One," I told her sternly. 

"If you had to choose between eating sardines or dating Elijah, which would you choose?" She checked.

"I happen to like sardines," I smirked and she scrunched her nose up in disgust. 

"Okay, well horse shit or Elijah?" She snapped.

"I said one question," I told her and she narrowed her eyes at me. Kendall came out in the second dress after another ten minuted and I heard Lindsay gasp as she saw her. This dress was a princess gown, with a sweetheart neckline and an embellished belt separating the bodice and skirt of the dress at the waist.

"You know when dogs get wet and their fur fluffs up like a ball?" Kendall muttered. "I feel like that."

"Well I think you look gorgeous," Lindsay assured her. "The dress fits you fantastically and it's got that perfect balance being being simple, yet elegant with a touch of flare."

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