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ELIJAH DROPPED A STACK of paper on my lap, then sat down in my desk chair. 

"What's this?" I asked and skimmed through the stack. 

"Elijah's locations since Jessie got back from France," Elijah answered. "You'll see that he has only been to her house that one time."

"So we're really going to do this?" I asked Elijah. 

"Mhmm," he hummed. "You now know what Isiah is like. Jessie genuinely seems like she wants to stay faithful to Vince, but Isiah get's what he wants. We need to stop that from happening."

"That's right," I nodded. 

"After all that talk with Kendall too," Elijah scoffed. "Should we tell her."

"As much as I would like to ruin Isiah's life for what he did to my family," I sighed, "we need to do it fairly. We can't jump the gun. We need to bring him down in a calm and orderly manner." 

"Darn you and your morals," he clicked his fingers. I laughed at him and he went to sit on my desk chair. "Have you seen Pulp Fiction?"

"I don't trust people who haven't seen it," I scoffed. 

"It's playing in that cinema we went to on Valentine's Day," Elijah told me. "Want to go?"

"I guess," I shrugged. Despite keeping calm and collected on the outside, I was a little bit panicky on the inside. I didn't count Valentine's Day as a date, because Elijah had lured me into that trap. He told me we were just going for ice-cream when we had actually gone to a movie as well.

But this was the first time that Elijah had directly asked me out on a date.

"I mean, I'll have to check my calendar,"  I muttered, "I'm not just always available you know."

"Sure," he smirked. "Of course you aren't. I totally get it."

"I'll text you if something comes up," I told him. "Otherwise I should definitely be able to come."

"Alright," Elijah nodded. He got up from the seat and left the room so calmly that I came to the conclusion that Elijah hadn't asked me on a date at all. 

I took a deep breath and tried to decide whether Elijah had or hadn't just asked me on a date. After another three minutes and I decided that I needed Lindsay's help. I knocked on her door and she opened it almost immediately. 

I had expected her to be sleeping or something, as Vincent and her tended to do. It was going to take some getting used to to expect them to be awake at the same time as me. 

"I need some help," I whined. She stepped aside to let me in her room and I took a seat in the chair in the corner of her room. She returned to folding her laundry and putting it in her drawers. My room was the room with the biggest closet, a walk in wardrobe. 

Each room had it's own little charm. Lindsay's was the platform that she put her bed on. It had nifty little drawers built into it so that she could store stuff. My father's room had an ensuite and Vincent's had a bay window. 

"What's up Dev?" Lindsay asked. 

"So, I'm a little confused," I sighed. "Elijah and I have been spending a lot of time together and... We've kissed."

"You kissed Elijah?" Lindsay scoffed and looked at me in shock. 

"Let's not make a big deal out of it," I narrowed my eyes at her. "So we've kissed, but that's all we've done. He's made no attempt to talk about a potential relationship or whatever until now. He asked if I wanted to go and see a movie in that old theatre in the next town over and I don't know if it's a date or not."

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