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Spoiler alert ! : PLOT TWIST !!!



"There now, dearie."

I took the steaming hot mug of hot chocolate from Aunt Jodi. "Thanks, Aunt Jodi."

She smiled warmly at me. She then gave Vincent a hot cup of coffee. "My thanks, Miss Jodi."

Aunt Jodi bustled around in the kitchen and waited for her cookies to bake.

I turned to Vincent. "Hey." I nudged his arm. "What's with the face?"

He sighed. "Nothing."

"C'mon.. You can tell old Jassie.. I might be able to help you."

"Does Cecilia really hate me ? Kissed her and now she hates me even more."

I did a double take. "You- WHAT?"

"What's with all the yelling, Jasmine?", Aunt Jodi called from the kitchen.


She gave a a knowing look.

I leaned nearer to Vincent. "You kissed her??"

"Yes. And now she hates me even more than ever.", he said glumly.

"You know, Vincent.." I said, "even to me, Cecilia hides her feelings. And I gotta say, she hides them extremely well." Vincent looked away sadly. "But. But... She can be super obvious at times.. Especially when it comes t-"

"To hating me?", he added.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No... Especially when it comes to liking boys. She ends up being sassy and sarcastic ,and that's her way of flirting... Sort of."

"So... She likes me?"

I nodded." Yeah.. You can say that."

"How would I know for sure?"


Our conversation got cut short by Aunt Jodi's questions.

"So.", Aunt Jodi sat on the chair across from us. "What's up? Why are you suddenly here for a visit? And girl, don't lie coz you don't often come visit me in the first place. Most importantly, why did you bring a boy?"

"It's a long story." ,I said.


I slumped down onto the couch and sighed. The guys finally went away.

I took out my phone and texted Jasmine, 'Hey. They're gone.'

'Great. We'll be back in a bit. Aunt J is serving us cookies. I'll bring a few back 4 u ;) oh, and what happened to your Jersey accented Australian Scot Mexican personality? '

'Haha. Very funny. ==' '

Jasmine texted me again a while later, 'R u worried abt Vincent?'

"Umm.. No.. I mean, is he still alive ,tho ?'

'Yeah he is ...'

'Whoopie. '

'Wow. Such a caring fren I hv •_• '

'Blablabla.. Just get back here! I want me coookiesss XD'

"C ! We're homeeeeee!"

"Yeah.. I can tell..", I mumbled.

I turned around to find none other than Jasmine and Vincent coming through the door. I wiped my sticky cookie batter covered hand on a rag.

Instead of seeing them standing at a normal distance I see them practically stuck at the side ,hand in hand. And believe me, it was one of the most horrific view. Ever.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Umm.. What did I miss?", I cautiously asked as I squinted at their interlocked hands.

Jasmine smiled at me like a she got hit on a head bu Cupid's arrow. "Vin asked me out.", she giggled.

I stared at her dryly. "Vin?", I half asked in an 'are you sure' tone. "Oh, so you're on nickname basis now. Geez, that's great."

"Yeah... We're officially together !", she squealed.

My eyes widened. "Wh-"

She cut me off, "Yeah! And instead of Vin's stay limit, he can stay in my room for as long as he wants! OMG! Isn't that awesome?"

As long as he wants? "NO! No way ! No way a guy is living with us and sleeping in your f•••••• room for as long as he wants!" I am mad. No, I am beyond mad. I'm frustrated and angry and disappointed and hopeless and furious. And it all has got to do with that Prince.

Vincent flinced at my outburst as Jasmine whined, "But it's my room! I can do anything I want!"

Vincent stepped in front of Jasmine and held her by her shoulders. "It's fine, love. I can go buy us a house somewhere around here if you want."

"No ! Wait ! What the f••• do you think you're doing? Nobody is moving out, and neither is anyone moving in! What the hell happened ? It's like you two are serious or something. What sick joke do you think this is ?!"

"Our love is not a joke!", Jasmine defended.

I scoffed. "Your love. Huh ! Since when ? Since you went to your Aunt's and oh so suddenly fell in love ? Very funny, you two."

Vincent defended their 'love' by saying, "I have always admired Jasmine. She caught my eye ever since I stepped foot into this household."

"You!" I sharply pointed a finger ( the pointer finger, mind you ) at him. "Stay out of this or have your head torn off, got it?", I snapped.

"I shall not ! What makes you think you can interfere with us like this?", he shot back.

"Interfere? Who was the one wanting to move in 'as long as she wants'", I said mockingly. "And why haven't I noticed any romance in the air between you two before this, eh?"

"Because you don't care, maybe?", he spat. "Or you are jealous of us right now and you simply do not want to accept that Jasmine and I are together."

"Who are you trying to shit ?", I yelled frustratingly. After taking a deep breath, I said "You know what? Do whatever you two want to f•••••• do. I don't care. " I stomped up the stairs to take a cooling shower and change into a clean set of clothes. The cookies will be dealt with later.


What the heck is going on here ?!?!? There's so much cursing ! But aha - it's sensored !! Teehee.. ( well.. Only the f word is sensored.. The others are pretty mild..)

Just a little introduction chapter to the plot twist ;)

Ok. So here's the thing; I've been trying to make a perfect ship name for my friend who likes this guy... And I thought, hey! I should have shipping names for my characters too! Wouldn't that be fun?

So, I came up with ..... *drum role please*..... JasVin ( Jasmine and Vincent ) and VinElia ( Vincent and Cecilia )

Terrible. I know... But maybe YOU can come up with better names ! xD

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