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•••V̲̅I̲̅N̲̅C̲̅E̲̅N̲̅T̲̅ D̲̅E̲̅L̲̅R̲̅O̲̅U̲̅G̲̅H̲̅•••

In a few days, I would be meeting my mother's choices of suitable wives for me.

"Vincent, I am sending you to New York City to pick up Cecilanna. ", mother announced. "Lady Brietta said that she went there for a royal business trip. Lady Brietta also said that she would pick her up there, but I insisted that you wanted to go." She smiled smugly.

I looked at my mother in horror.

"Here are all the details.,"she said as she handed me a small white envelope. "You shall fly there on Wednesday and meet her then fly back on Thursday."

Here I am, packing my belongings for a pick up trip.

"Hey- couldn't hurt if she's pretty, right?", Gabriel was leaning against my room door frame.

"Pfft! Easy for you to say! You don't have this burden being on your shoulders, you don't have to dance with an old woman, your life is fun and easy ,and you don't need to be the Prince. What did you do to avoid all that?"

Gabriel looked at down sadly and walked to me. He sighed then sling an arm over my shoulders and said, "One thing helped me avoid this is", he whispered solemnly, then with a sudden cheerfulness , said, "being gay."

I rolled my eyes. "No shit, Sherlock!"

I rarely curse and that is because I am always near a 10 meter radius from my mother. She forbids 'vulgar language' and 'barbaric words'. I have to keep up the 'good son with high class manners' act every time of the day, except when I am with father or Gabriel. Father does not mind in the least, in fact - he ever so slightly encourages it. He says it will help us from being mistaken as a lifeless rock.

"Anyway, you have been hiding the news from mother for what- three years?"

"Four. I was fourteen."

Father already knew. He found out three days after Gabriel told me. Smart guy. He was able to find out about Gabriel, but until now mother has no clue. How is that even possible? You can't possibly not notice the changes happening.

Father once told us that those 'not so straight' royals could not have the right to be heir. That is why Gabriel was so suddenly erased from the list of heirs. After hearing the news and giving us both a lecture, our oh so helpful father called 'not it!' for spilling the beans to mother. None of us dared to tell mother, so that is why the news was kept a secret right till this day. This should be written in history books ,instead of the things that are learned in history now.


A/N : Is this good ? If it is, please vote =) comment if you have any suggestions and stuff like that..

This is it for now...

Thanks alot ! X)

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