A Nightmare Coming True

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It's been weeks since the last time I talked to Draco. We had been avoiding each other and I sort of missed him, but then I tried not to think about it that much, because it would distract me from my happy life.

One night, I fell asleep reading Wuthering Heights, another muggle novel written by Emily Bronte. It was a dark and twisted romance. All is anything but vengeance, violence, and hatred. Sometimes it got boring or I was feeling exhausted from the day of classes, I just fell asleep reading books. I did hang out with a bunch of kids that I found comfortable being around with. They were really nice and not 'faking it' nice.

I rarely had dreams while I was sleeping, and tonight was the exception. I dreamt about being dragged down the hallway through the Great Hall by some Slytherins, their faces were pure evil. I remembered some of them were Pansy, Millicent, Crabbe, and Goyle. Draco was waiting at his table watching them dragging me while I couldn't even move my body. I thought they petrified me. No one was around other than the five of them.

Draco was smirking like he was up to something far from good. He tied me to a chair, duct-taped my mouth. He rolled my sleeve up and placed the tip of his wand on the inside of my arm. It felt like a blade was cutting my and there he wrote 'Blood traitor'. Everyone was laughing devilishly until the sound grew louder and louder until I woke up screaming in pain. Susan had to got off her bed and calmed me down. It occurred mostly in the middle of the night or at dawn.

I kept having nightmares two weeks in a row. The exact same dream but different backgrounds. I lost my appetite and felt skinnier each day, and I had eye bags. This was visible to my friends, and they started asking. I thought I was being overly sensitive because I was thinking so much about what Draco said about me being a traitor and the novel I was currently reading. That was the time I decided to find some other place to acquire my inner peace back.

I brought a different book I planned to read and left the other unfinished. It was a rather fun to read book, about an adventure of a girl saving her little brother who was captured and taken by a flock of crows to a completely different world entitled Wildwood. I headed up to Astronomy tower and I was fortunate to find some peace there. The view was breath-taking, the air soothed me.

A moment I was enjoying my reading time, and a moment later I heard footsteps climbing up the spiral stairs. It was Draco and...guess who? Pansy 'pug-faced' Parkinson.

They were holding hands and Pansy was excitedly rambling to Draco whom I supposed didn't listen to her whatsoever. He met my eyes and froze. Pansy recognised me and gave an annoying smirk which I hated.

"Look who's here," she chimed. Ugh, her voice was disturbing me much.

"The lonesome badger, Pance," he added.

"Ugh, you two, get a room. This place is taken," I retorted.

"No way, tigress, you're the one to scoot. Now, leave!"

"Why? You two want to snog here, do you? Well, I might just leave to call Snape to give detention to you two. He's my father's best friend, you know?"

"Easy there, tigress! We'll just go over there and leave you here alone. Happy?"

"Ecstatic!" I went back to my reading without even looking at him talking. They were gone before I knew it, but their voices were such a disturbance I decided to go back to my room.

"Hey, tigress! Where are you going? I thought we've given you enough privacy?"

I kept silent and walked towards the stairs.

He seemed unhappy with what I did and ran to me to grab my arm.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, Madden!"

"Oh, Draco, you're wasting your energy talking to her!" Pansy yelled out.

"Leave, Pansy. I want a time alone with this badger to teach her some manners."

Pansy muttered under her breath and left immediately. Draco watched her until she vanished and made sure she wasn't eavesdropping.

"I tried to avoid meeting you like this, Madden. This is the second time you ignored me. What is it with you??"

"Me?! What is it with me, Draco Malfoy?! You're the one who can't keep on treating me like shit, mister, and now you blame me?! I am tired of you trying to be superior over me, and I didn't want to put up with you again, and why is that so wrong? We've been doing good for the past few weeks, and now what? Another disastrous encounter. I am so done with you, you foolish selfish egotistical pureblood! You're not going anywhere with that attitude, Malfoy, you mark my words!"

He turned his back on me to the balcony. He said something I could barely hear, but I caught the most of it.

"You don't know what I need to do to keep up such a family name. I want to be nice to people. I want to walk on the corridors without people staring at me in fear. I want to be normal. I want people to like me as I am. Not because of my family's awful reputation and wealth. I am tired, Y/n."

"Well, it's your problem, not mine, so have some guts to make it go away. Do good things, or if you can't, just leave people alone, don't trouble them. You've caused them enough trouble just with what came out of your mouth, Malfoy."

"I tried to, you know. I think I need you to help me with this."

"Maybe you need more effort. You don't need me or anyone else. You only need to be brave. See you around, Malfoy."

"Y/n," he called.


"Thank you."

"It's okay," I walked to the stairs and turned to him again, saying, "good luck, Draco, and... thank you for the food a few weeks ago. Fat Friar told me it was you. I never had the chance to say thank you."

He smiled weakly and approached me, he took my vacant hand and held it for a while before he took me into his embrace. I did nothing for I was too afraid to do anything, So I just lightly tapped on his back a couple of times. He then let me go and I climbed downstairs, leaving him there trailing his eyes on me, until I disappeared.

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