A Faith Restored

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I dragged my luggage aimlessly as I stepped off the train. I decided to sit on a bench to gather up some strength.

"(Y/n)!!" Danny called out from the distance. I should've had been happy seeing him--I was happy--but it was just not quite right.

I hugged him and lifted him off the ground. He got so much bigger.

"Let's go home, Danny boy!" I faked my enthusiasm as not to destroy his perfectly happy state of seeing his big sis coming home. My Dad dragged the luggage for me and my Mum stroked my head and shoulder, realizing what I truly felt.

By the time we got home, it was so serene. My reading nook was still the same as I left it last year.

Mum offered my tea, but I asked for coffee. Black.

She usually started telling my that coffee wasn't good. But today, she obliged.

She knew about me and Draco. I told her once, and she was clearly unhappy and disapproved, but what made me happy was far more important. I loved that about my Mum. She didn't make my decisions. She let me experience the consequences I had to take for every decision I made. She only promised she would always be there to help me up and cheer for me.

"Here's your coffee, sweetheart," she said, handing the cup to me, and continued, "you know you can talk to me, honey", she stroked my arm.

I didn't realize the tears that had been swelling in my eyes, and drop by drop they fell, blackened as it was mixed with my worn off mascara.

"I just had him, Mum.... I-" I sobbed hard and was still trying to talk midst crying, "We were-we finally got it together and-and this looming threat over Hog-" I coughed, choking on my sob, "we just had it, Mum", I sobbed harder and my Mum took me into her embrace.

"I'm sorry, honey, I am so sorry", he tried to console me, stroking my back, my head, kissed my head, "it'll be fine again, things will get better again soon, and you'll be able to meet him again, and continue where you both left off. I'm sure of it...it's just, we're talking about Draco, aren't we?" Mum had the tendency to break the ice with whatever it is to calm me down. And that was one of her ways. I snorted into a laugh and annoyance, "Mummm.." I whined.

"Alright, alright, it was a bit much", she giggled.

She held me up, facing me, she said, "trust me, things will get better. Sooner or later. Just have faith, and pray."

Her words had that calming effect on me. I thanked her and decided to sip on my coffee. She left to see Danny.

I went to my nook to find a paper to write a letter to Draco.
I could barely see with my puffed eyes.


I'm at home now. I am safe. And calm after the storm.  You should be too.

Have faith, Draco. That all this will come out on the better end. Instead of what you said.

I have hope, Draco, to see you again. Safe and happy.

Your badger

I whistled to get my owl and put it on its beak, stroked his feather, "please take it to Draco." He flew off the window and to the sky.

"(Y/n)! Wanna get some ice cream?" Dad yelled from the living room.

"No, Dad, thanks, but get me a pint of mint choco, please!"

"Alright, bringing Mum and Danny with me, lock the doors, honey!"

"Okay!" I didn't immediately go to lock the doors. I stared blankly outside the window, but conscious enough to see our family's wagon drove past by.

Then I heard it, a loud crack. And another. Came from the living room.
I peeked carefully to see who apparated into my house, as I was so familiar with the sound.

2 black-hooded figures, speaking in hush so that I wouldn't hear. Kind of stupid if they realized how loud it was to apparate.

I was relieved to still had my wand with me inside my pocket.

Gathering every fibre of courage I could, I asked loudly.
"What do you want?

"Ah, some brave brat isn't it? Come out, come out, wherever you are, Madden girl!"

I saw them clearly and got my wand straight, and had the perfect shot to shoot a spell on them. If...I didn't miss.
I can do it,  I can do it.

"Expelliarmus! Expelliarmus!


I faced them as they no longer had their wands. Pointing my wand at them, I threatened, "who are you and what do you want??"

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