An Owl with a Letter

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Hello, this is my first ever fanfiction, first ever writing beside my usual journal, I hope you guys like it :)

I was reading my favourite book called Jane Eyre on my reading nook when my little brother of 3 year old, Danny, yelled.

"Thewe's a biwdie on ouw window shill!"

"What birdie, Danny?" I said with my eyes were still on the book because that was the part when Mr. Rochester was caught up still having a wife while he was with Jane now at the altar trying to exchange vows in their marriage.

"Thewe, (Y/n), yook thewe!"

I was forced to dog-eared the page because I thought it would be just a normal bird. It was not a regular bird. It was an owl. OWL? I checked out my window and it was still bright. I let the owl in and took a piece of paper which I instantly recognized as a letter, while Danny stared at the owl and tried to touch the bird. I let him because I was so curious about the content of the letter. I mean, what kind of people sent letters through an owl these days.

While I was about to open the letter with a red melted candle seal, my mom walked in and shocked at what she saw, and it confused me.

"My dear," she said, a little bit breathless or else nervous, "open and read that letter carefully, and I will tell you something afterwards."

Just so and I opened and read aloud,


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Madden,We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September . We await your owl by no later than 31 July .

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress"

I was dumbstruck. I kept staring at the letter in confusion as to remembering if I had enrolled to a school recently. I looked at my mom. She was bewildered, only not in horror, but excitement.

"Ok, so now you are of age. I will tell you something that your father and I have been meaning to tell you a long, long time ago, but you were still a child you would not even understand any words we would tell you, so, my lovely (Y/n), oh, my Lord, I don't know how to tell you this, I just-"

"Mom, tell me, quick!" I have the tendency of being impatient, but when I have to be patient, I could be a saint I thought. Now was not that time.

"Ok, honey, you're a witch."



I closed my gaping mouth.

"Yes, witch. You are magical. Just like us, your father and I. Do you ever wonder how I got this house cleaned so fast that you did not even notice when I did it? Or how things go odd when you got mad or upset about something? Or how your father never seemed to be late on coming home when you know how London traffic gets after the office hours?" She lifted Danny up into the cradle to prevent him from pulling out the brown and ash gray feathered owl.

"Yes..but, no.. I.. what?! Witch? Magic? What is going on mom? Tell me more before I convince myself that I am positive that we're mad!"

"Ok, listen now, very carefully." I nodded.

"I was born magical. So was your father. We both went to Hogwarts. Even though we were on the same school, we never met each other before a world cup championship of a sport called Quidditch, it is a type of sport we magical people do. It was as famous as soccer here. At Hogwarts, which is the school you are to get in, there are four houses, and each house was named as the traits of the founders. Godric Gryffindor made a house for the brave, daring, and chivalrous children, Rowena Ravenclaw made one for the wittiest and the most willing to learn children, Helga Hufflepuff made another for the most loyal, just, and unafraid of toil children, and then there was Salazar Slytherin, made a house for the cunning minds and the truest of friends. The houses were named after the last names of each of the founders. For me, I got my letter just at your age and was sorted in Gryffindor, and your father was in Ravenclaw."

"Uhh, okay. That explains a lot about both of you. So?"

"Sooo, you are going to be sorted to the house that matches your traits by a hat, yes, a hat, once you get there. The hat can see your truest intentions and through your deepest heart. Yet when you truly want to be at a certain house, if you truly, really, mean it, you can also be sorted into it."

"Now what do I do, Mom?!" I panicked. I had no idea what to do or what to react, for the thought of being a witch and magical and all houses hadn't really sunk in.

"Well, you have more than a month to prepare everything. We'll help you with the shopping, of course," she said waving the enclosed paper of shopping list, "It's been so long since I went to Hogsmeade," she said, smiling so softly with wondering eyes, and I had never seen her that happy before.

My mom started to write down God-knows-what to reply the letter, and stuck it into the owl's beaks and flew it off.

I was completely anxious yet somewhat excited and proud to have this kind of privilege. I was in trance when I realised that my mom was calling me.

"(Y/n)! I forget to tell you!"


"No one must know about this. Not even your bestest of friends."

"Not even (BFF/n)?"

"Yes, not even her."

"Okay, mom."

She grabbed my by the shoulders, turned me to her, and hugged me tightly, and proudly, and said, "No matter what house you get in later, be kind and true to your heart." That made me hug her back even more tightly. After a moment, I went back to my reading nook and continued my reading, but I was completely distracted by the imagination I had about Hogwarts.

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