A Battle Lost

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The battle of Hogwarts was won, with casualties of the loved ones.

My parents shielded our house so perfectly it was impenetrable by any kind of magic. I was not able to even go outside the barrier as even the muggle was under attack. Once I stepped out, I could get snatched or killed, my parents made it perfectly clear too.

What they didn't realise was how frustrated I was. Thinking about my school, my second home, my Draco.

I was in my room when my parents told me about the win. How Harry was a part horcrux. How Snape died. How Draco joined the darkside before the battle was won.

At that thought I got dizzy.
What would happen to us after all this?

Hogwarts was rebuilt in approximately 2 months after the war. By rebuilt, it meant the castle, and the strength to finally open up the school again. And continued where the students left off, with empty seats and empty beds, and empty spaces in their hearts.

After 2 months, I could finally see Draco again, I thought. Hoping he would meet me in front of my dorm.
But the school was in gloom still. People were still mourning. Draco was not in sight.

I unpacked my things to settle again in my abandoned room. The sun light was seeping in through the shaded windows. I pulled the blinds up and let the sun shine on me. I felt the warmth permeated my skin, getting me ready to find what I was looking for. Who.. I was looking for.

I slowly walked out my dorm and made it out the common room, to the school's hallways and downstairs to Slytherin's common room.

I hesitantly knocked. Some boy opened it up and I asked to let me in.

"What is your business here?" he said looking annoyed.

"I'm here to see Draco Malfoy. You nust know him."

"Oh, him. He's not here. The family went away to another country after his father was sent to Azkaban. That's what I've heard. Don't you read the papers?"

I was shocked, my knees weakened.
I stayed quiet long enough to get the boy try to talk me to leave.

"Sorry, I haven't had the cha--", he shut the door in my face. I instantly punched the door. "What a nuisance!"

The realisation that Draco was gone hit me like never before.
What we had was so fleeting, so brief, left me wanting much, much more as I had wished and prayed that all things would get better in the end.
Now all the hope was gone.
No letters, not one. I wasn't aware that tears were rolling down my cheek when someone called me from behind.

"Ms. Madden!" I turned around to see Professon McGonagall walked towards me quite quickly.

"Oh, Headmistress, what's wrong?"

"I need to talk to you about a certain matter, concerning Mr. Malfoy's departure."

My heart sank. I followed her to her office immediately.

"Please, sit."

I sat down on a chair in front of her desk, while she was busy rummaging on her cabinets, looking for something. Found whatever it was she searched for, she came to her desk across me and sat down.

"Here, I need to give you these." She handed me a pile of letters. Red wax sealed them up. With a symbol of DM.
"He gave me these on the last day of the war. He didn't want to send them to the owlery to prevent the Death Eaters or Snatchers tracing it back to you."

I held my tears.
After a while she spoke again.
"I didn't know about..this, you and him, but I am truly sorry, Ms. Madden." The newly appointed and much well-deserved headmistress gave me a sympathetic look.

And as I spoke, I choked the tears back. "Professor, may I read this in my dorm, please?

"Of course, dear."

I smiled, "Thank you..for this".

She nodded.

I ran to my dorm and by the time I got there, I opened them and read them one by one.

I couldn't believe it, but they were written almost everyday since I left the Manor. Telling me about how his days went really badly ever since Voldemort's return. Until his departure. He said goodbye, and not knowing when or even the possibility of returning to London, he let me go.
Not even a hint of his whereabout at the moment.

I cried myself to sleep and missed dinner. My hope was vanished.

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