A Reconciled Pair

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The tragic incident involving Cedric had the school in mourning for a couple of weeks. They said "You-Know-Who"'s returned. Harry said so anyway. But I believed him. His eyes were speaking too. So I knew he wasn't lying, even though so many people didn't believe him.

Draco, along with that, hadn't been around much either. He seemed so tense and jumpy these days. And he got skinnier. This kind of proved that Harry was telling the truth. The Malfoys had been known to be one of Voldemort's trusted minions. He could've been laying low and pulled all the strings he could get to rise again. And this, put a lot of pressure on the family's end.

This happened until our fifth year.

I decided to find out what happened with Draco. I plucked up the courage to go down to Slytherin's common room.

Some of the other students were looking up and down at me. I thought I should get nervous but heck, all I could think of was Draco.

I knocked on the door, some first year answered it.

"Looking for?" She said disinterested because of the yellow and black shawl I was wearing.

"Malfoy", I said with as much disinterest.

"Not here", she said closing the door when right before it closed, someone held it and swung it back open. 

It was him.

I froze. He froze as much.

"Hey," he said. He seemed to be calm and in a poised manner.

"Hi...I'm sorry if you're in the middle of--" he cut me off.

"No, don't be, and no, I'm not in the middle of something. Care to come in?"

"Uh..okay," I stepped in and saw Slytherins eyeing me like hyenas ready to prey on carcass. I followed Draco to what I guessed to be his dorm and bumped into Pansy on the way. She snapped.

"You filthy Hufflepuff! What are you doing here? Did you sneak your way in and want to steal something?" Oh believe me she's revolting. Before I got to snap a comeback, Draco jumped in, "(Y/n)'s with me. So, shut it, Parkinson." he said it with a seriously deadly glare and I was stunned that he did that. "Come on" he said pulling me by the arm. Pansy was left fuming, and I couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

We entered a room painted with the most beautiful emerald green and silver accents. Very Slytherin-y. And the sofa had comfortable looking cushions I just wanted to snuggle on it. 

Draco sat on a table that had some photographs of him and his parents. And some books were lying opened. I was still roaming my eyes around the room until I heard Draco calling me.

"(Y/n)...(Y/n)..hello" he said, half amused of what I was doing apparently.

"Sorry..I was.. This place is...cool."

"I know you're here not only to tell me that my room is cool...but, thanks," he smiled. Draco Malfoy smiled. And I was in immediate swoon. I thought my feelings for him were that blurry, but it wasn't. It was clear as the cloudless afternoon skies.

And I smiled too.

We were silent for a moment, both looking at the floor.

I tried to talk first.
"Draco, about what happened..at the astronomy tower with the Durmstrang bloke...I didn't know what I did. I wasn't thinking straight, and I realized it before it was too late, so nothing, truthfully, nothing happened."

He was still looking at the floor while somebody knocked on his door, and opened it.

"Hey, Draco, you coming or not?"

It was Goyle. He looked at me and said, "Oh, you have a guest. See you later, then." Draco only looked up and didn't say anything and his friend quickly closed the door and disappeared.


"Yes?" I stared at him intently.

"I'm sorry. For everything I put you through. The kiss, the fights. I was acting out of jealousy.

"I would really love you to be with me, if...you would have me...but I need you to know that it's different with me now."

"I'm listening", I said, assuring him to go on.

"I don't know if you believed Potter or not, but it's true. And my family's involved too deep to come out at the less bitter end. And I... I don't want to be the reason you got under You-know-who's radar. Hence the avoiding you these past few weeks."

He fell silent. I came closer. With my heart pounding in my chest, I encouraged myself to take his hand...and held it. He did the same.

We looked at each other in the eyes, "Draco, I know. I get it."

"You do?" his eyes glistened of held back tears.

"That's kind of the reason I want to be in Hufflepuff. People won't expect me to be witty or brave or cunning. But I'm all four. All package!"

We burst out laughing for a while. I thought it was the first time in a while that I saw Draco really loosened up.

I stroked back his silver blonde flocks. 
"Really, though, I'm sorry for the mean things I said to you. All of it." I grinned guiltily.

About a split second later, I felt his lips on mine, the same soft and warm feelings I had when we kissed the first time. I kissed him back as softly.

He pulled a bit and smiled in the middle of our kiss and said, "You said sorry too much, badger." and kissed me again.

This was a whole lot different from the kiss I had with Emil. His was pure lust. And this, with Draco, it was so much tender, gentle, and he was so careful. Like I was an antique china and he was so afraid of breaking me.

We pulled our lips apart and he said,
"care for some roast beef for dinner?"

"Oh Malfoy you read my mind!"

"No, I heard your stomach growling while we kissed!" he cracked up.

My face was red, but I laughed too, and I playfully punched his biceps. He turned to me and suddenly his tone was serious again, "can you promise me one thing?"

"What is it?"

"If things go awry, please, stay away from me. I heard scary things are now being planned by you-know-who and his minions...including my father."

"Please, Draco, not now. We just had this. Just cherish it while we can." I smiled at him, tried not to show my worry and how terrified I was of what's to come and of losing him.

"Alright, let's just go to dinner," he smiled, held my hand and led me out to the Great Hall. With everyone's eyes on us, obviously.

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