A Talking Hat

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Prof. McGonagall led us into an enormous door leading to a huge place called Great Hall. As we first years entered the hall, we're all amazed at how magical the room is decorated. 4 great long tables were full of students with 4 different robe colours, and another table that I assumed as the teachers' and staff's table.

In front of the teachers' table, there was a stool with a crumpled hat on top. Prof. McGonagall made us follow towards it.

An old man with a silver long hair and beard, with a half-moon spectacles stood up and raised his hands.

"Welcome, first years, I am Professor Albus Dumbledore, and I hope you enjoy your time here. Now, let the sorting ceremony begin. Please, Minerva."

"Thank you, Albus," she turned to us and continued, "I will call your name one by one, and I want each of you to sit on that stool while I put the hat on your head, is that understood?" she asked us. All of us just gave a slight nod and Prof. McGonagall rolled out a parchment she had been holding the entire time, and I bet there was all our names were written. She started calling out our names and each one of us did sit on the stool, and when the hat was placed on our head, it was like, came alive. Its eyes and mouth were formed from the creases on it, and when he talked, it was a voice of a man. He made assessments on the child whose head he was placed upon, and sorted them into one of the houses. 

It was when a boy named Harry Potter was called upon, the hall fell silent. The hat also seemed to have a hard time considering which house he should be put into. The boy shut his eyes and he looked as if he was talking to the hat. Then after a moment or two, the hat shouted, "Gryffindor!" and the Gryffindor table, which ties and lion emblems were coloured in red and gold, cheered out festively.

There must be some story about this boy, what a welcome, I said inwardly, and cynically. I just didn't understand how sometimes I could be so cynical and cold towards people, and also seemed to be grumpy and hot-headed. I thought it happened a lot when I was out from my comfort zone. I put my guard up too high.

I was called up after Draco was sorted into Slytherin even without having the hat placed properly on his head. He gave out a smirk that made me die a little when I saw him. I shook my head and thought that it was either he was cunning, ambitious, truly loyal, or just...the reason Hermione Granger didn't want to be put in there. She also got into Gryffindor just like that Harry Potter boy.

"(Y/n) Madden!"

I walked up to the stool, and the hat was placed on my head. The hat started talking again.

"Hmmm, the child of the Maddens. brilliant mind, bravery is not to be questioned, and as kind as badger, and just as loyal. I'm sensing an easily escalated emotion, and you are also patient. Now where to put you?"

I thought about what he said, an easily escalated emotion, did that mean I was evil?

"No, you're not evil, dear, child," the hat suddenly said. I jumped a bit of shock.

"Well, you'd do well in... Hufflepuff!" the Hufflepuff table screamed of joy, and as I approached the table, warm hand shakes and smiles of the students welcomed me. I felt so peaceful then. I sat beside Susan Bones, we quickly became friends.

The sorting ceremony was done in what seemed to be one and a half hour, continued with a feast I had never had before! The food was delicious, the roast chickens, the roast beefs, the potato was beautifully mashed, the sausages were so tasty, and the puddings and cakes and sweets for desserts were just amazing. I went to the Hufflepuff common room afterwards. It was located near the kitchen, which I loved. The atmosphere was homey, and very calming, yet cheerful and pleasing to the eyes. I was so glad I was put in here.

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