A Loud Whisper

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Just an hour after dinner started, while I was still on the table at the Great Hall--reading Jane Eyre again because I knew if I read it in my common room or my bed I would definitely fall asleep in a second--, I saw from the corner of my eyes that Draco was approaching the table. He wore a black pants and turtleneck that contrasted his silver blonde hair.

He grabbed my book and threw it away as hard as he could to the wall. I was shocked like freaking out kind of shocked.

"Hey, what the hell??!! What's your problem, dude??" I walked to him ready to land my fist on his face just before I saw the rage in his eyes. So I waited for him to talk even though I was boiling with fury. We were face to face, our faces were only inches from each other.

"I despise people who turn their back on me while I was talking! I was about to apologize when you walked away!"

"Oh, right. Why didn't you just say it then?? So now I'm the one to apologize??? Now that you had hit me with the door and threw away my book like that? Real dick move, Malfoy. Very smooth! I do not care who you are, you hear me? I don't fuckin give a fuck about people who don't respect others! And you!!! You treat people like shit and now you want to do that to me too??? For fucks sake, Malfoy. Go home to your Mum."

He clenched his fists, eyes red with anger, and I started to feel all eyes on us. He just fell silent. The whispers were loud enough for me to hear and it's annoying.

"Fuck!" I sighed, grabbed my book, and passed Draco bumping him away from the way.

He went after me to my common room. We were screaming like nobody heard us. I was about to get my wand to dismiss him but he got my hand first and led my to a corridor with less people.

"Can't you stop yelling at me?!" He grabbed both my hands and held them up in front of me.

"Why??? Embarrassed for talking to a Hufflepuff?? FYI, Malfoy, you're lame!!"

He suddenly landed his lips on mine and I felt helpless. His lips were so soft that I couldn't help but kiss him back.

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