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Hannah greeted Gab and I good morning as we stepped inside Ervy Tower New York.

"Good Morning Hannah" I greeted back.

"Hi, I suppose this is Ms. Ervy"

Gab nodded at her extending her arm to a hand shake.

"You can call me Gab"

"Gab it is. Nice to meet you and follow me please"

Hannah is Mr. Ervy's secretary whenever he is in the city. She is in her late thirties yet she still looks young for her age. She has this strict librarian aura that you don't wanna mess with. She's always down with the job, no bull sh*t just plain work. Anyhow it suits her well. We stepped inside the elevator with Hannah standing in front of us. Gab and I would exchange looks and I know too well what she's thinking about. Elevators, and Gab and kisses no make that hot kisses, and her hair in my hands, raking them and... and then a ping on the door startled me, pulling me out from my erotic thoughts.

She turned towards us with an automatic smile plastered on her face.

"The board is waiting at the conference room"

I glanced at Gab and her mouth formed an "O" as if she found it too amusing.

"Are you nervous?"

I asked her as we walked our way through the room. She shook her head, her hands inside her pocket. Liar. Gab and I exchanged glances once more as Hannah held the door knob in her hands. She stepped inside the room and we followed after.

Ten pairs of eyes sized us up as soon as we enter the room. No, more like sizing Gab up. I moved at the center where two chairs were specially placed for Gab and I.

"Good Morning"

I greeted in a warm but stern voice. Facing a crowd well not just any crowd, but board members and stock holders of Ervy Realty New York can be nerve racking but I'd like to say that I've handle tough situations like these when I was starting at the company. I was young and almost everyone wouldn't believe me so I worked hard and stepped up my game and soon, I earned the respect I deserved. They all stood from their chairs as soon as I approached the table. I heard greetings from each one and I nodded at them and greeted back. I turned my head on Gab's direction and held out my hand to her. A gesture that says come near me, and like an obedient puppy, she did.

"Gents, ladies, I assume that you already know this young woman standing beside me, but to formally introduce you, meet the heiress of Ervy Empire, Gabrielle Ervy"

"Hi Everyone. I am pleased to meet all of you"

"You can now take your seat" I gestured.

Hannah did her job, introducing everyone on the team as they extended their warm greetings to Gab, and soon as she is finished, she retreated back to her chair on the corner. We had a brief discussion about how the business was going here in New York. They've shown me updates for the projects and assured me that everything is working well. Mr. Ervy had asked me to go over some pending projects so we spent a bit more time in the board room.

The room was huge, and there were at least ten people excluding Hannah, Gab and I. I knew most of them but one woman caught my attention. Why? One, I don't know her. Two, I just met her today and I wasn't told that there was a new board member. Three and the most important of all, she was obviously flirting with my girlfriend in my face. When I glanced at Gab, the look on her face was disturbing. I would've glared at the woman but all the anger went down into the drain.

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