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Great, I got myself promoted. I'd be babysitting a spoiled 21 year old adult. Ugh! If not for Mr. Ervy, I would've probably walked out on her. I told myself that I'd apologize for what I did the next time I saw her, but that would be impossible. I knew the girl hates me, so why bother apologize?

I looked outside my open window to see a party brewing across my street at Gab's house. Yes I call her Gab, but when she's around I chose to call her Gabby, I know it irked her, I learned that from Zelda.

Wow so much for the welcome party. Zelda constantly calls me to check on Gab. I couldn't understand her. Why can't she call Gab directly. My phone beeped and I knew it was again from Zelda, I am tempted to block her from my inbox. But again, orders are orders.

"Please check on Gab, make sure she's safe and doesn't do drugs"

So she knew that a party was going on. I'm sure she was the one preppin' for it. I asked for Gab's number and dialed it as soon as I got it. It directly went to mailbox. I looked at the digital clock at my desk and it says 10:03, and the party was just brewing, great! I will not get into that house at this hour with drunk teens making out on every corner. No, not gonna happen. Besides, I am in my sleeping attire already. I put my phone down and ignored Zelda. I'll just tell her that I was already asleep when she texted.

I got into my bed pulling the covers and straightened my pillow. I close my eyes shut as I'll soon be entering dreamland and that's when the music started blaring all around the neighborhood. I covered my ears with my pillow but the music filled the air. I am pissed at how insensitive Gab can be. I tried to ignore the thought of her probably making out with random guys as they dance to this stupid song. I stirred in my bed thinking it is now impossible to sleep. After sometime, I looked at my clock again, it says 1:25. I've been shifting positions for hours just to get some sleep but to no avail.

I bolted right up my bed and put my robe on. I can't let her ruin my night. It was the only time of the day that I can actually rest.

I shut my door and walked across the street. People were filing out of the house and before I stepped inside the music died. I received death glares from boys and girls.

"What? Go home or I'll call the cops"

Some scurried and was gone almost immediately while others just gave me a smirk. I remembered Zelda's text and thought about checking the "baby" since I was already here. There were few people in the living room, probably high from smoking weed. Some were lying lifeless on the floor. I scanned the faces of the girls in the living room, none of which was Gab. I went to the kitchen and the bathroom but there was no sign of her. I went up to the balcony but still no Gab. I stayed there looking at my house from across. It has a nice vantage point from here, especially to my room.

I reached the Master's bedroom and knocked silently, no one was answering so I pushed the door and peeked, still she's not there. Where can Gab be? Did somebody kidnapped her? By now I'm sure everyone knows who she is and then someone might get interested. But I know we maintain high security in this community, maybe I was just over reacting. I noticed an opened door on the far end and heard hard breaths and panting or more like moaning.

I moved closer to see two young girls making out, the one is brunette and the other one is, OH MY GOD, its Gab. And she's gay?

I cleared my throat as I enter the room.

"Ahem uhm"

Great they didn't even bother stir. I tried again, this time louder.


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