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"Jenkins! Jenkins! Where are you?"

I searched the entire house looking for Jenkins. My clothes are covered in mud and I guess a bit of horse shit. Yeah just great! Isabelle taught me the basics on horse riding minus the riding itself because my arm still hurts a bit. She let me feed the horse at the barn and I brushed their tail and scrubbed their foot. Isabelle got me doing all those strange stuff and I liked it, it was a distraction for me.

After feeding the animals, Isabelle and I talked over lunch but actually it was more like an afternoon treat. Isabelle and I have so many things in common, not to mention we both like girls. We talked a lot and I learned that almost all the things I like from clothes, shoes and music, she fancied it too. If you look at me and Isabelle we can pass as twins. We tower the same height and same slim frame.

I asked her how come I never saw her when I visited Uncle Sully a few years back, then she told me that she was always in the farm and rarely set foot on the mansion. Actually I was thinking the same thing with Lexi. If she practically grew up with Uncle Sully, how come I never met her during my visits? Maybe I'd ask her if I have a chance.

If I had a chance, I'd also ask Lexi about the kiss. I"ve been thinking about it almost all the time in my waking hours. I just don't know how to tell her because she's acting like it never happened. But it was so much more to me.

"Gabby, what happened to you?"

"Ugh. Isabelle was teaching me the basics of riding when a horse ran into our direction and then I got scared and run off, I ended in a puddle of mud and some horse shit I guess"


Jenkins just couldn't stop laughing.

"Sorry Gabby, go shower because in less than 20 minutes, dinner will start"

"I have nothing to wear Jenkins, it's all at my house"

Jenkins gave me an assuring smile.

"Go up and open your wardrobe"

I set foot on the cold bathroom floor and scrubbed my entire body, the mud and dirt was pooling over my foot. God I stink! After thoroughly rubbing of the dirt, I stepped outside the room with a robe on. I step foot in my walk in closet and open the sliding doors of the cabinet. I gaped at the sight. Signature clothes hanging from the cabinets, an entire wardrobe of footwear, bags, belt even watch name it. This wardrobe is sick, and they're all mine.

"Man this is too much"

I shook my head.

And then I pulled on a nice pair of jeans and a button down shirt. Soon a knock landed on my door telling me that dinner awaits me.

I scurried down the dining hall and my mouth almost dropped seeing this beautiful woman locking eyes on me. Lexi.


Dinner is over and I found myself standing outside the mansion facing the water fountain. Uncle Sully excused himself in the study a couple minutes after dinner. I am waiting for Lexi to come out because I want to bug her for making me worried over dinner.

This home has a great fountain sitting center stage in the circular driveway. The fountain has four horses around the base that shoot water into the pool below, and the pond size and spacing is just right for plants and grass.

Then I heard footsteps coming close, and when I was about to turn, Lexi spoke.

"So, you went to the farm this afternoon?"

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