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It's hard to leave Lexi all alone in her house after knowing that her psycho ex-boyfriend was planning to kidnap her. I felt the rage build up inside me upon hearing the news from Max and he had to calm me down and assure me that it won't happen anymore because Jeremy is detained already. I am just thankful that Uncle Sullivan decided to send Lexi and I at Riverdale because if we weren't lucky enough, one of us or maybe both of us is dead by now. Jeremy is a dangerous man, he almost got the hooker he was with killed. He attacked the poor lady when he was drunk and high from drugs and she ended up in the hospital with serious concussions in her head. From what Max said, the hooker was the one who reported to the police about Jeremy's plot against us. Max told me that they spent almost 2 weeks spying and looking out for Jeremy, checking out if he was doing something suspicious. Then luckily, he was caught.

I shook my head feeling relieved as I slid on my bed and closed my eyes to sleep.

*Phone ringing*


"Gab, this is your uncle, I'll be back tomorrow and I expect to see you when I arrive. We need to talk"

Then Uncle Sully hung up. What's with the late night call? Is it really that urgent? Uncle Sully never calls me this late because he doesn't want to disturb me. And what do we need to talk about? I thought of the possible things he might talk about but all of which are business related, can't it wait for tomorrow when he sees me? Why does he have to tell me that I have to be there when he get back? Then I thought of Lexi, I'm sure the news reached him already but so what? I know for a fact he would support me. So what could this be all about? I shook my head as I tried to relax my mind and drift to sleep.


"Gab there you are"

Uncle Sully hugged me and retreated back to his chair. He signaled his men to leave including Jenkins so that we can talk. Is this really this serious, because usually he just let Jenkins stay? I'm starting to get impatient about it because I had trouble getting some sleep last night thinking about what Uncle Sully might say.

"Gab I will be leaving for Boston again, tomorrow. We have a lot of projects there and I needed to supervise my people, plus it's a perfect opportunity to introduce you to your future world."

"What do you exactly mean by that Uncle Sully?"

"Gab, remember when I introduced you at Riverdale as the new face of Ervy Empire?"

"Yeah but I thought you were not serious and.."

"Gab, I am serious. You are the one and only heiress of everything I have and I guess now is the perfect time for you to learn all that's needed. You'll be coming with me for 3 days in Boston"

"What 3 days?"

My mouth fell from the news Uncle Sully broke. So much for being the heiress and now he'll take me with him, in Boston, for 3 days. No. I can't do that. I can't leave Lexi here alone. No. What if Jeremy has asked someone to finish the job for him? What if something bad might happen to Lexi and I'm not here. What if.."

"GAB! Are you even listening?"

"NO!" I snapped.

"What do you mean?"

"Uncle Sully I can't go with you, Lexi needs me here"

I know I sounded pathetic because for one Uncle Sully has no idea about this whole thing with Jeremy, but I couldn't think of anything else right now. I have to stay for Lexi. Uncle Sullivan stood up and walked towards me. He scooted behind me resting his hands over my shoulder.

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