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Walking out on Gab made my heart throb because I knew that instead of talking it out, I chose to walk away. I had a long day and I was extremely exhausted with the drive going to Bastienne's, not to mention my dissipating patience. My team and I waited for him for more than an hour but it's us who needs them so we had no choice but to wait. Thankfully Bastienne agreed to meet with us again to discuss the proposal.

When I walked out from Gab's house, I fought the urge to look into those eyes because I know it will get me again. It was solely my pride that was talking to Gab that time and right now I regretted not looking back. I know I hurt her with what I did. I felt guilty taking it out on her knowing that she was just asking me a question.

I drag myself out of bed and pulled my robe on. I ran my fingers through my messy hair somehow trying to make it look presentable. I glanced at the clock before going out of my room and it's 6 o'clock. Gab might still be asleep right now. I am thinking of surprising her at the same time to apologize for last night.

I jogged my way through my stair feeling a bit excited to see Gab because last night I didn't have the chance to say good night to her. When I opened my door, I felt something fell on my foot. A square shaped package wrapped in manila paper with a red ribbon, was resting on my foot. I took the package and examined it carefully. What could this be? Is this for me? There was a letter that is inserted on the ribbon and my name was written on the envelope. I went back inside my house thinking that I still have time before Gab leaves and for now I just have to check who is this package from.

I opened the letter and I knew immediately that it was from Gab. I am familiar with her penmanship because Gab likes to doodle on every paper she saw and even on a tissue paper as long as she's holding a pen in her hand.


Hey. This is supposed to be a gift but right now, it's my peace offering to you. I'm sorry about last night, I was being immature and I just I felt jealous with whoever you're talking to. I know I was out of the line and that you're just doing your job. I apologize for being insensitive. And I'm sorry if I didn't personally give you this because by now I am already in the plane boarding my flight to Boston, yeah last minute change of plans all thanks to Uncle Sully. I'll see you when I get back and I miss you already Lexi. I hope you're not mad at me anymore. XOXO


My heart ached reading Gab's letter and I felt the urge to see her and wrap my arms around her all at once. I missed her terribly and I know it will be hard on the coming days. I opened the package and gaped at the sight. It was a portrait of me, the one I saw on her studio and now it's finished. I am amazed how Gab made this painting looked so alive. It looked so real, even my eyes, they were gleaming and it made me realize, this is exactly how I look at her. A dribble of tear rolled on my cheeks. Oh Gab.


The mood in the office was pretty fine with everyone working quietly with their assigned tasks. I on the other hand was feeling anxious about Gab. It's already 10 o' clock and she still hasn't replied a single text to me. I'm sure that by now the plane has already landed. What is going on? I can't help but be worried about Gab. And then I felt my phone vibrate and I almost leaped in my seat to get it.


"Hey. We just landed in Boston"

"Good. I was worried, what took you so long to call me?"

"Sorry, air traffic"

"I see. Anyway, Gab, I'm sorry about last night. I was be-.."

"No, it's okay. I understand"

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