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Did you ever experience waking up in the morning with something so heavy pounding in your head? Well that's exactly just what I'm feeling right now. I shook my head as I pull myself up, resting my back against the bed rest. I noticed that I was not wearing the clothes I wore the night at the party. I didn't remember changing. In fact I never remembered anything at all. Then I heard a voice.


My eyes went wide seeing Lexi in a silk robe on sitting at my recliner. Am I dreaming?

"Excuse me, but why are you here? What are you doing in my room?"

Lexi moved closer to my bed and spoke.

"Gab, you were too drunk last night"

I tried remembering a scene that involved Lexi last night but I just can't remember anything.

"So? You never answered any of my questions"

I'm not really mad at her anymore I mean I'd be so immature if I'll hate her for not liking me back. Yes leaving me under the boiling sun was harsh but I freaked her out with the kiss so yeah maybe I deserved it.

"Well, your friends dropped you off but you were too wasted to even move. I brought you here and tuck you to bed"

"Whattt???? So you're the one who changed me into this?" I pointed at my clothes.


She answered me sternly but I saw the playful smile she tried to hide. No. This isn't true. They didn't just leave me outside. I know one of them brought me here. But how do I know that when I can't even remember anything after my last drink. I shook my head as I tried to remember everything that happened last night. And what's even embarrassing is that Lexi was the one changing my clothes. Nice Gab.

"Well you could've just leave me outside you know. I don't need your help"

Lexi raised her eyebrows as she sat at the corner of my bed.

"Gab, don't be ridiculous, you know I can't do that"

"Really? Well I don't see any difference with that and with leaving me outside under a boiling temperature"

"Gab about th-..."

"Nah, it's okay. I'm cool with it now, I just don't want to talk about it anymore, especially now"

"No Gab, please let me explain"

Lexi's voice was almost pleading but I just don't want to talk about it anymore. I just want to forget about it and move on. I pulled myself out of bed and walk to my door looking at her.

"Lexi just stop. I'll walk you out"

Lexi let out a long sigh. She walked to me and stopped by the door. Her eyes were sad and it seems that she didn't sleep at all because bags are starting to form under. Doing this to her makes my heart throb, but I know this will be better especially for me. I just can't keep chasing someone who doesn't even like me.

We walked along the corridors of the second floor down to the staircase and then to my front door. I opened the door and Lexi stepped outside, then she turned to look at me. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Look I'm sorry about last night and I appreciate you helping me. About last Saturday as I said I just don't want to talk about it. I apologize if I freaked you out with the things I did.. I just. .I thought..I-I ugh! Well never mind, maybe I took it the other way around. Can't really blame you though"

"Gab, I'm sorry if I made you feel that i-.."

"I know. I'm really sorry. You were just doing your job and..."

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