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The appointed Chief Operating Officer of Ervy Realtors was rushing her way to a meeting. She was running late, again. She had to check on his sickly father and made sure he had everything he needed for the day. For months this has been her routine and somehow it's already taking a toll on her. She was losing focus, always worried and her thoughts lingered elsewhere. Her boss seemed to notice these changes and maybe it was the reason they're having this meeting, or maybe something more.

"Good day Mr. Ervy. I'm so sorry I am late again"

Sullivan stood up on the table as the COO leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"Its fine. Take your seat"

Two of the highest ranking personnel in Ervy Empire we're having quiet lunch in this cozy restaurant in downtown Chicago. The young COO looked into his boss' eyes in confusion because quite frankly, she had no idea what this meeting was all about. Usually the CEO would e-mail her on the subjects he'd like to go over, but today was different and that made her uneasy.

"How is Greg doing?"

She was taken aback with his boss' question as her eyes grew wide in bewilderment. It was the least she expected, but somehow she managed to answer.

"He's been in and out of hospital having blood works and check-up.."

She trailed off as she looked down on her almost untouched food.

"He's not okay"

The CEO straightened his perfectly tailored suit and shifted uncomfortably on his seat. He looked into the woman's eyes before speaking.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. If you need a time off from work then please don't hesitate to tell me. I'll have someone cover your load"

She shook her head in an attempt to rid her thoughts of her poor father which was slowly paralyzing her. She swallowed the lump that instantly formed in her throat and peered on his boss' eyes.

"Mr. Ervy thank you but I can't just take a break, not when we're in the middle of transition, it would be very unprofessional if I leave at this point"

"I know but I just don't want to see you getting very preoccupied with work and Greg's illness. He needs you now more than ever and family should always come first"

"I understand but I assure you, I can manage. I've already thought about making some adjustments in my schedule so my load wouldn't be as heavy as it was before"

Sullivan nodded, resting his case but somehow it did not lessen his worry for the woman. He deeply cared about her.

"Thank you for trusting me with this position"

A smile curved in her boss' lips. He is proud of the woman staring back at him. He was proud of what she has become.

"I admire your courage Lexi"

She offered him a weak smile before opening her mouth to speak.

"Thank you. Can I ask you something?"

"Go on sweet heart"

She put her fork down, wiped the corner of her mouth with the neatly folded table napkin. When she looked at the old man, he was already looking at her.

"Is this what the meeting is all about?"

Sullivan tilted his head from side to side, a smile starting to form across his face.

"Partly. I want to know how Greg was doing and of course you. You've been very busy lately. I hope you are fine dear"

She let out a long sigh or maybe it was her breath she was holding ever since the meeting started.

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