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"One more nasty comment from her and I'll be thinking she's a homophobe!"

Max eyed me from the rim of his coffee mug. We are in downtown Chicago discussing the development of my case few weeks ago. Max told me that they already got hold of the cab but it registered to a different person, not my culprit. But he assured me that he'll not stop and work on it until they got hold of the guy and is put behind bars.

We were talking about Lexi because somehow Max got me into confessing about her. Max knew that I was feeling something for Lexi but she feels otherwise for me. In the short time we spent together, Max and I have become good friends. He's like the brother I never had. He's protective and sometimes he pesters me with his comments. Plus he likes to pet me and that really annoys me. So basically Max is like an older immature brother.

Max told me that I remind him of his sister whose just 2 years older than I was. He told me that his sister is gay too and that we are so much alike. He says that talking to me is like talking to his sister.

He put the mug back on the table propping his elbow above.

"Gab, maybe she didn't mean it that way. Think about it, maybe she's still wrapping her head around it. I mean she's been straight all her life, until you came"

I shot him a look.

"What do you exactly mean by that?"

"I don't know, and it's too early to tell but from the looks of it, I think Lexi likes you the same way you like her"

"You don't know what you're talking about, that woman hates me Max"

"That's what she wants you to see, but I knew better."

I shook my head in confusion.

"No, that's not the case"

"Well that's just my opinion. You see Gab, all of these, the bickering one minute and the dancing in the rain stuff, not to mention the kiss, all of these, it's like dejavu! Leslie, my sister, gets me into this kind of conversation every time she meets someone she likes. Every single time Gab."

"And?" I asked.

"And in the end, she gets the girl, straight or not"

Then Max winked at me and glanced at his watch leaving me confused.

"Well, I think I need to be in the station any minute from now. Can I drop you off somewhere?"

"Nah, I'm fine, I'll just get a cab"

"Be careful, the last time you were in a cab, the driver kicked you out"

"Not again"

Then he petted my hair and waved goodbye. I really hate it when he does that.

"Stay out of trouble!"

"Bye Max"

I scrolled my phone wondering where to go next, it's Friday and I really don't want to go home yet. Maybe a little bit clubbing? I wished I texted Isabelle and maybe have a little fun with her. But I'm sure she's having a good time right now. Maybe she's in the farm rubbing noses with cows, or she might be entering cloud 9. What can I say, the girl likes to get laid. You see, Isabelle and I are just the same, we tend to be attracted to straight girls or lesbians that act in a feminine way. So yeah, Isabelle and I just won't work.

I was about to stand up and leave when a couple stepped inside the café. They were all over each other drawing the crowd's attention. The guy snaked her hands into the girl's bum, while this kinky girl is groping the guy's ass. Ugh! Get a room for Christ sake! The guy would say something on the girl's ears and the girl would giggle loudly. I shook my head with the sight and started to move. But when I got nearer the horny couple, I noticed that the guy looked familiar. This ass groping guy is Jeremy! Lexi's boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend or whatever. Jeremy saw me and gave me a death stare! He pushed the girl away making the girl lose her balance and tripped off. Then she snarled at him asking what the fvck is wrong with him. I rolled my eyes and moved to the door, and that's when Jeremy grabbed my arm.

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