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Ghost Pov:
I broke the kiss and sighed. He sits me on his lap and nibbled on my neck.

"I love you" He mutters and I giggle.

"As I love you," I said and Ricky gave him a bottle.

"Open up," He says and I did. He stuck it in my mouth and I drank.
"Awe two babies" Ricky coos and I purr. Abigail giggles and her tail swished.

"Mm," I said and Chris kissed my head. He was on his phone and I drank. It was gone and I was still hungry. I start to whine and he looks at me.

"Realllllllly," He says dragging the 'l'. I nod and he got me more milk. I drank in peace and Abigail fell asleep.

"I'll be back," Ricky says and put her in the crib. Chris checked Twitter and he kissed my head.

"Kiss kiss," I said and he pecks my lips. I pout and he chuckles. He got up and brought me upstairs.

"You are such a kitten you know?" He asked and I nod. I snuggle against him and purr.

"Chris" Ricky call and he sat down.

"Room" He yells since the door wasn't shut. Ricky runs in and shut the door. He came over and flopped on the bed.

"Grr having children is hard" He growls and I keep drinking my milk.

"He's such a kitten" Chris coo and Ricky kissed my head.

"Yes but he is our kitten," He says and I nibble on his lip. He moans and I giggle.

"I love you," I said to him and he smiles.

"I love you too," He says and I giggle. I curl.into a ball on Chris and fell asleep.

Hey, guys sorry for the short update my cat is passed away today and in my arms. I'm balling my eyes out but I thought I should write. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




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