Bulletproof Family

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"Nice lump of clay Yoona," Yoongi smirked as he glanced over at my potters wheel.

Ceramics is one of the four classes that I have with Yoongi. He's a natural at it. I'm not.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up," I retorted jokingly, wiping my clay covered hands on my apron.

I put my hands around the clay and pressed the pedal down. The watered down clay splattered all over me.

"Yah!" I toppled off of the stool. I tried to ignore Yoongi's laughter. I stood up quickly.

"I'm just fine, thanks for asking," I said sarcastically, walking over and rubbing the clay in Yoongi's hair.

"Hey!" he protested, flicking some of it out.

"Serves you right," I said jokingly, starting back over at my station.

"Gidalim (wait)," Yoongi reached for my arm. "Yoona."

"Mwo (what)?"

"I'm sorry. Let me help you," Yoongi said. I rolled my eyes.


Yoongi stood up and walked over to my station with me. I picked up the stool and sat down.

"Scoot forward." Yoongi said. I obeyed. Yoongi sat down behind me. He reached out from behind me and grabbed my wrists.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Helping you. Now just do what my hands do."

Yoongi placed his palms on the backs of my hands. I pressed the pedal, and Yoongi began to guide my hands over the clay. In about two minutes, we created a bowl. I took my foot off the pedal.

I turned around and looked at Yoongi, who was still pressed up against my back.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

"It's really not that hard Yoona."

"Then how come I can't do it?"

Yoongi kissed my cheek. "Because you can't be good at everything. That's life."

[A/N: Idek why I put that in I just love Yoongna moments.]

J-Hope had called for a dance practice. I'm not sure why, but I had to show up anyway. I walked down the hall towards the studio, when I saw KyungMin coming  from the opposite direction. She and I made brief eye contact. I sucked in my breath and tried to dart into the dance studio quickly. Just as my hand touched the door handle, she called to me.

"Lee Yoona!" she yelled. I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply.

"KyungMin. Hi," I said coolly, but still trying to pass on the message that I was pissed.

"Where are you going Yoona?" she asked. "That classroom's been closed for years."

"I'm just meeting some friends. None of your business," I snapped.

"Are you sure it's friends plural and not friend singular? Because Kim Taehyung is only one person."

"Oh my god KyungMin, Taehyung and I are not a couple!" I exclaimed. "I can 100% assure you that nothing is going on between us. Min Yoongi and I have been dating for a while now and he is the only boy I'm associated with." 

"Really? Then explain these photos." KyungMin thrust her phone in my direction. I scrolled through the photos. One was of me sitting on Jin's lap. Another of me squishing Jimin's cheeks together. Another of me and J-Hope exchanging a hug. One was me and Namjoon just walking to class. Another was of me on Jungkook's shoulders.

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