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After another week of long, hard practices, the band finally had all the choreography down. Even Namjoon and Jin, who had been unsure about the whole dancing thing, were really impressive.

Now we're standing in the hallway right outside the gym, waiting for our performance.

"Yoona, I'm nervous." Jimin came up to me. He was visibly sweating.

"Jimin, you'll do fine!" I assured him.

"But what if they don't like it?" I took his hands, which were sweaty.

"Hey, you're one of the best dancers out there, and nobody can hit those high notes like you can. Just go out there and do exactly what you said you were gonna do: dance like nobody is watching."

"Thanks Yoona."

"You're gonna kill it," I said, smacking him in the back.

"Yoona Noona, Jinnie hyung's having trouble with his pants," Taehyung said.

I glanced over at Jin and realized that his pants were halfway down his thighs.

"The mic pack is too heavy," Jin complained. I sighed. If his pants fell down during the performance, that would be humiliating.

"Um...I might have a solution." I said. I went up to Jin, untied the flannel that was around his waist, then threaded the sleeves through the belt loops in the pants, then tied it in the front, kind of like a belt. It looked kind of weird, so I pulled his shirt down a little farther. I felt like a mom dressing her three year old.

"Kamsamneeda (thanks) Yoona," Jin said.

"You're welcome," I replied. "Thankfully it happened now, not during the performance." Jin laughed.

"That what be humiliating. But honestly, what are the chances that it'll happen again."

"Ok, you guys are on in a few, so start getting ready," I explained. "I'm gonna go sit in the bleachers and watch you guys. When you're done, I'll meet you outside the bathrooms."

The boys nodded.

"Haenguneul bibnida (good luck)!" I whispered, before sneaking into the gym and sitting the bleachers. I sat as close to the front as I could, so I could see them really well.

Mr. Chang, the athletics director at our school stepped into the middle of the gym.

"Anneyonghaseyo (hello)." His voice boomed throughout the gym, thanks to to microphone. "Welcome students to the annual Helen Cho Preparatory Academy vs. Seoul High School basketball game!" The crowd went wild, all cheering for their team and booing the other team. Seoul High School was our greatest rival in all sports.

"I understand that you're all excited for this game, but before we begin, HCPA has a very special treat for all of you," Mr. Chang continued. I couldn't help but smile to myself. Everyone else looked kind of confused.

"Everyone, please welcome the Boy's Varsity Dance Squad!" I almost started cheering super loudly, but didn't because nobody else said anything. The boys walked into the middle of the gym, and immediately whispers broke out all over the gym. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to find a girl I'd never met before.

"Do these boys even go to our school?" she asked.

"Oh yeah," I replied.

"Anneyonghaseyo everybody," Namjoon greeted. The gym was extremely silent now. "My name is Rap Monster, and we are Bangtan Sonyeondan. Today, we're going to perform for you a song called 'Danger.' I hope you enjoy."

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