Min Flirt

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"Uhh, what happened to me?" Jungkook asked. He finally decided to wake-up about halfway home. "What happened to G-Dragon?"

"When he was done talking to us, you fainted," Jin explained.

"Oh...was it embarrassing?"

"Aneeyo (no)," Taehyung replied. "It was just us and Jihoon."

"Oh, ok. Good."

We were all smushed into Yoongi's tiny car again. I was driving, since Yoongi nearly fell asleep when we got in. He was now fast asleep in the drivers seat. I had to try really hard to keep my eyes on the road. Yoongi was such a cute sleeper.

I pulled into my driveway, and let J-Hope get into the driver's seat.

"Bye guys! Great job today!" I waved.

"Bye Yoona Noona!" Taehyung yelled. Yoongi woke up at that exact second. He saw me leaving and reached his arm out the window.

"Bye Yoona."

"Bye Yoongi."

When I came into my house, my Eomma was there. My Appa was still at work.

"Hi Yoona!" she said, hugging me tightly and kissed my head. "How did the competition go?"

"We got second," I said sadly. "But the whole thing's kind of a scam, so it's not as bad as it sounds."

"Scam?" my Eomma said. "That's not good. Well, that's ok. Those boys are young anyway. Especially that Jungkook kid. He's not ready for the spotlight yet. He's too innocent."

"Eomma, you're starting to sound like Eomma Jin," I joked.


"Never mind."


The next morning, I got a call from Jimin.

"Anneyong (hi)," I said.

"Oh, hi Yoona!" Jimin said. "So, since there's no school tomorrow because of the teacher in-service, the boys and I were going to have a sleepover, and we were wondering if you wanted to come."

"Um...I don't know," I said. "A boy/girl sleepover...isn't that kind of weird?"

"It's just us Yoona. And it's not like you've only known us for a month or something."

"I have only known you guys for a month."

"Oh...well then it's not like you have to sleep with any of us. Unless you want to."

"PARK JIMIN!" I shouted. Jimin started laughing. I shook my head.

"Sorry, sorry. I had to," he laughed.

"It's not funny. I'm in though. What time?" I asked.

"3:00pm at Hobie Hyung's house. His parents are looking at colleges with his sister, so no one's home except for him."

"Ok, just text me his address and I'll be there."


I rang the doorbell to J-Hope's house. Yoongi answered the door.

"State your name, age, and reason for being here."

"Let me in Peasant," I said. Yoongi smiled and pinched my nose like he always did.

"Alright. If I have to," he said sarcastically, then dodged the kick I threw at him. I threw my backpack and sleeping bag down at the front door and followed Yoongi upstairs to where the boys were.

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