The Dragon and the Kookie

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I don't think I've ever seen Jungkook so happy before. He was pretty much bouncing up and down while humming and smiling.

We're on our way to the Big Bang concert. Namjoon was driving us, because his parents have an SUV. We decided it wasn't a good idea to drive from Busan to Seoul in Yoongi's tiny little car.

I was in the passenger seat. I turned around to face the boys. Jungkook, Jin, and Jimin were in the middle section of the car. They were all equally excited for the concert.

Yoongi ended up getting stuck in the back with Taehyung and J-Hope. He was trying to sleep through the car ride, but by the time he dozed off, Taehyung and J-Hope would wake him up.

He and I made eye contact. He gave me a pleading, pouty look.

"Help me," he mouthed. I smiled and laughed. Taehyung tackled J-Hope and they fell over sideways into Yoongi's lap. Yoongi stuck out his bottom lip.

"Budi (please)."

I laughed again. Namjoon turned to me quickly and gave me a strange look.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Look at Yoongi in the back."

Namjoon stuck his head up higher and looked in the mirror. He saw Yoongi and smiled.

"Hey hyung!" he yelled.

"Mwo (what)?" Yoongi grunted.

"You having fun back there?" Namjoon asked. J-Hope fell into Yoongi again, causing him to get a mouthful of hair.

"Shut up," Yoongi snapped. Namjoon and I laughed. I assumed Yoongi wanted to be left alone for the time being, so I turned to the boys in the middle.

"So, Jungkook," I said. "I'm assuming your goal for this concert is not to faint?"

Jungkook laughed. "Yeah, hopefully that doesn't happen again. I'm trying to prepare myself this time."

"You know, Big Bang is going to call up one of the audience members to sing Fantastic Baby with them," I reminded Jungkook. "What if they pick you?"

"I might not have much luck there."

I laughed.

"Guys, this thing is being televised," Jin said. "Freaking televised."

"Yeah, so?" Jimin asked.

"So we could be on TV!"

"Hyung, they're televising Big Bang, not the audience," Namjoon argued. "You'll be lucky if you even see your hands in the video feed."

"Yeah, but how could they skip this beautiful face?" Jin said, making cupcake hands under his chin.

"What beautiful face? Did you bring a mask?" Namjoon asked jokingly. Jin poked him hard in the neck.

"I'm excited that we got backstage passes!" Jimin said, bouncing in his seat. "I want to ask Taeyang how he keeps his abs so toned. I mean, you could do the laundry on them it's like a washboard!"

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