Yoongi vs. Taehyung

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"Taehyung, they're following you again," I pointed out to him. Those same four girls had been following Taehyung for the past two weeks. "Shouldn't you say something?"

"What's there to say?" Taehyung asked. "If I keep ignoring them, eventually they'll get bored of it."

"Girls are more persistent than that. They're going to do anything to get you to notice them."

"Well, then maybe I should talk to them," Taehyung suggested. He stopped me and turned around. The girls stopped too.

"Anneyong (hi)!" Taehyung said, and then gave them a box smile. I just stood there awkwardly.

"Hi Taehyung," one of the girls said sweetly. She was smiling ear to ear and was blushing furiously. I mean, I don't blame her; Taehyung's quite the specimen. "I'm KyungMin." The other three girls turned to KyungMin and they began to whisper. The only thing I caught between the whisper conversation was "muleo (ask him)."

"Taehyung," KyungMin said. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me sometime."


If Taehyung said yes I would never talk to him again. I looked at Taehyung. He wasn't smiling, just thinking. He laughed nervously.

"Um, I'm glad that you asked," he said. "I always like having fans, but I already have a girlfriend."


"Who is it?" one of the other girls asked. Taehyung look at me, and then back at KyungMin. Then he slammed into me and wrapped me in a huge hug.

"Yoona! Yoona's my girlfriend!" he said, smiling and hugging me. I forced a smile too, even though this was totally awkward.

"What?" KyungMin began laughing. "Yoona? No way, Yoona's not even pretty!"

Hello, standing right here.

Taehyung frowned. "Hey, don't insult my Yoona Noona. Come on Yoona. Let's find some friendlier people to talk to." Taehyung made a cute pouty face and dragged me away. Once we were or of ear shot and line of sight, Taehyung let go of me.

"Never speak of this?" I asked. "Especially to Yoongi?"

"Never speak of this, especially to Yoongi."


When I arrived at the dance studio after school, I noticed that Yoongi was not there.

"Where's Yoongi?" I asked.

"He got a speeding ticket last week on the way to school so he got a job to pay it off," Jungkook explained.

I snorted. "Yoongi? A job? For someone as lazy as he is, I'm surprised."

"Today's his first day," Jimin said. "He'll normally enjoy a job for like, the first few hours and then he'll pretty much be done."

"Ok, then it looks like we're going to practicing without him," I said. "Good thing we have the dance down; the competition's this weekend."


After rehearsal, instead of running out screaming "jayu (freedom)!" like he normally did, Taehyung stuck around. Once all of the other members left, he turned to me.

"Hey, Yoona. Would you like to get some coffee?" he asked. I froze.

"Are you...asking me on a date?" I asked. Taehyung shrugged.

"I guess."


How do I answer this? Yeah, I liked Taehyung, but I wasn't sure if I was ready for a date yet.

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