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Ugh...when's the freaking bell going to ring! I thought as I sat in Physics, probably the most boring class on the planet. I looked to my left and caught Namjoon's eye. He crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out. I smiled.

Namjoon, despite being a Sophomore, was smart enough to take Senior classes. Like Yoongi and Jin, even though we had classes together, Namjoon and I had never talked, until now.


Finally! I slammed my notebook shut, packed my backpack, and zoomed out of that classroom as fast as my un-athletic legs could take me.

Even then, every single one of the boys beat me to the dance studio. Yoongi was already setting up the stereo. He had finished the mixed tape for the song this last weekend, so we were using it to practice.

We gather around in the center of the room.

"So," I turned to J-Hope and Taehyung. "Have you guys gotten any more ideas for the dance yet?"

"Well, we took your suggestion in making the dance a little less serious," J-Hope replied.

"Good. We can't have you guys looking like you're on a death march."

"How's it going with lyrics?" I turned to Yoongi and Namjoon. Yoongi pulled a sheet of notebook paper out of his back pocket.

"We have most if it done. We just have to finish Hobie hyung's part, and then we still have some syllable issues."

"Yeah," Namjoon agreed. "I'm working on J-Hope's rap, and Yoongi's doing editing."

(English is like, the only subject that Yoongi's good at.)

"And Jin, you texted me last night saying you had some costume ideas?" I turned to him.

"Mwo (what)? Oh, yeah. I was thinking we could continue with the red and black thing. It's a good look for us."

"We're not dying our hair again, right?" Yoongi asked cautiously. I laughed.

"No, we should be fine for now."

"We should wear suits this time," Namjoon suggested. Jimin knit his eyebrows.

"For someone who wears sweats to school, that's quite an odd costume request," he pointed out.

"Ara (I know)," Namjoon replied. "But we'd looked totally sexy, wouldn't we?"

"Jungkook, any ideas?" I asked. He hadn't said anything the entire time.

"I'm thinking," was his quiet reply.


"Are we going to practice on the stage yet?" Taehyung asked.

"No!" Yoongi protested. "There's going to be strangers there!"

"But it'd be so cool to practice on stage though!"

"Come one Yoongi, I don't see why not," I pleaded. Yoongi's frown didn't shift a bit. "Please, just this once? You won't regret it, I promise. The 7 of us will be there and you don't have to talk to anybody...I'll drive too..."

Well, there was my attempt at aegyo. Yoongi sighed.

"Whatever, but I'm not giving you any gas money," Yoongi said.

Like Nobody is Watching [A BTS FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now