Bangtan Halloween

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Yay! It was our first dance practice since the competition. I wasn't sure what for, but I was excited. Dance practices were my favorite part of the day.

It had been an amazing last week. Taehyung and Yoongi are finally on speaking terms again and they have never been closer. Yoongi and I are still the band's ultimate OTP.

I walked into the dance studio. I don't understand. No matter how fast I run or how close I am to the studio, I'm always the last one there.

"Yoona Noona!" Taehyung shouted. That nickname used to annoy me, but when I first announced that Yoongna was a thing, he stopped using it. Now, it makes me smile every time he says it.

"Hi guys!" I said.

"Yay! Now Jungkookie can tell us what's going on!" J-Hope jumped up and down and clapped his hands.

"What's up?" I asked.

We all turned to Jungkook, who cleared his throat. Jungkook was so adorable. He still looked like a baby, and he was about as shy as a lamb. I know he's perfectly fine, but sometimes I want to wrap my arms around him and tell him that everything's gonna be ok.

"So, every year, my family and our neighbors take turns throwing a Halloween Party," he started. "This year it's my family's turn and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come."

"But what about Trick-or-Treating?" Taehyung asked.

I snorted. "Wait. You guys still Trick-or-Treat?"

"Yeah, why?" Namjoon asked. "Do you not?"


Jimin gasped. "She doesn't Trick-or-Treat anymore!"

"Jimin! You're 16 years old!"

"Yeah, and Jin and Yoongi are 18 and they still do it."

"Dude, you have to come to the party," Yoongi said.

"Yeah! We'll still Trick-or-Treat afterwards," Jungkook clarified. "Come on Yoona. You're never too old to do it."

"Just wear a mask, if you're too embarrassed," Namjoon suggested.

"What? No, don't hide your face," Yoongi said.

I blushed. "Ok. I'll come. Just give me Jungkook's address."

"Yaaayyy!!!" Taehyung jumped in the air.

"What are you going to dress up as?" J-Hope asked, equally as excited.

"I don't know yet, but I won't hide my face." I glanced over and smiled at Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled back.



I knocked on Jungkook's front door wearing the only costume I could find: a Totoro onesie from 8th grade, which was a little small but it still worked.

A tall boy I'd never seen before answered the door. He was wearing normal clothes, but he had a mask around his neck.

"Hi," I said. "I'm sorry, I think this is the wrong house. I'm looking for the Jeons?"

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