Min Sassypants

205 9 26

Hey Yoona, do u wanna come to lunch with us? Taehyung texted. It was Saturday, and I had literally woken up less than an hour ago. I think I was turning into Yoongi.

Where r we going? I asked.

McDonald's, Taehyung replied. It's the only thing we can afford.

Fine with me, I replied.

Ok, we'll pick up in a few then, Taehyung replied.

K, c ya!

Bye Yoona Noona <3

Wait a minute, hold on. Did Kim Taehyung just add a heart to his text? If he hadn't kissed me yesterday, I would've assumed he'd done it to be nice, because that's just who Taehyung is. But this was different.

Taehyung, do u...like me? My fingers shook as I wrote the text. It took a while for Taehyung to respond.



Yoona, do u like me?

Did I? I didn't think so. I thought of Taehyung. His cheerful eyes. His cute box smile. His big, muscly build. His deep, rich voice. His kindness towards the people he cared about...ok, never mind.

I'll admit it. I do like Kim Taehyung. Sure, I'm a Senior and he's a Sophomore, but age is just a number, right?

Yes, I texted back.

Ok :3 Taehyung texted. Btw, we're outside ur house.

Crap, I wasn't dressed. I grabbed a pair jeans and the first t-shirt I saw and threw them on. I threw my hair up in a messy bun, stuffed my feet in some vans, and ran out the door.

Sure enough, Yoongi's car was parked in my driveway.

"Let's go Yoona!" Namjoon yelled from the passenger seat window.

"I'm coming!" I yelled. I hopped in the back of the car. I ended up on Taehyung's lap again. As I rested into his thighs, I felt my face turning hot. I looked up and made eye contact with Yoongi, who appeared to have been eyeing the two of us suspiciously. He immediately broke the eye contact and pretended to be looking backwards to back out. Weird.

Did Yoongi have something against TaeYoon?


When we got to McDonald's, there was almost no one there, so we got in line. I ended up in between J-Hope and Yoongi. By the time half of us had ordered, a bunch of people  suddenly started to flood into the McDonald's.

I ordered and then it was Yoongi's turn. Apparently, Yoongi hadn't picked out what he wanted before he got to the register, because he was taking a long time.

After a while, the cashier was starting to get fed up with him.

"Excuse me, but there are other customers waiting," the cashier said. "You need to hurry up." Yoongi looked up from the menu at the guy. From the dark twinkle in his eyes, I could tell he was about to say something snappy.

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