The 7 Idiots

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"Bangtan Sonyeondan, eh?" I asked. "That's what you're calling yourself?"

"Yah! It's great, isn't it?" another one of the boys cheered so enthusiastically, I would've assumed he was 5 years old just based in the voice.

"Yeah, I like it," I complimented. It was awkwardly silent for a while. "Uh...what are your names?" I asked.

"I'm Kim Namjoon," the boy with pink hair said. "I'm a sophomore here at this academy." Namjoon's fashion choices reminded me of an old man trying to keep up with the latest styles, but he was still falling behind a bit. He was very well built, and his dimpled smile and deep voice were very cute.

(Actually, they were all pretty cute, to be honest.)

"I'm Kim Seokjin, but call me Jin for short. I'm a senior." Jin was tall and thin, and had a very masculine look to him. His hair was dyed light brown and he wore mostly pink.

"Jinnie hyung likes to eat a lot," the boy with the 5 year old's voice said. The other squad members laughed, and I couldn't help but smile.

"What's your name?" I asked, pointing to the boy with the 5 year old's voice.

"Me?" he asked, pointing to himself. I nodded. "I'm Jung Hoseok, but call me J-Hope. I'm a junior, and I'm here to bring you hope." J-Hope had a very big, glowing smile and bright red hair. He definitely lived up to his nickname; he pretty much radiated hope.

"Good to have you around." I replied. I'm gonna need your hope, I thought.

"Hey, aren't you that nerdy senior who takes the bus to the University everyday for math?" one of the boys asked. He had a voice deeper than the Grand Canyon.

"Yeah, so?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. Welcome to the crew. I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm a Sophomore, but my mental age is four." He then gave me a box smile. Taehyung's hair was died a mellow shade of orange, and his outfit choices made him look like he just came home from a sleepover. Out of all of these boys, I made the quick assumption that Kim Taehyung would be the most difficult of them all.

"Ah, so you are Miss Perfect," a boy with mint green hair said.

"Miss Perfect? Excuse me? I think that's a bit judgmental," I snapped. The mint green haired boy smiled.

"Yeah, Tae made it up," he said. I didn't like this Kim Taehyung already. I decided to change the subject. I was not getting nagged about my goody-two-shoe nature right now.

"Are you wearing eyeliner?" I asked.


"Excuse me? I think that was a bit judgmental," Taehyung mocked, making the other boys laughed. I sucked in my breath sharply.

"What's your name?" I asked, turning to the mint green haired boy.

"Min Yoongi. I'm a senior, and I'm lazy, so don't expect much outta me." Yoongi was indeed wearing eyeliner, and a lot of it. His aura was that of a rapper you found in the streets.

"I'm Park Jimin. I'm a Sophomore." Jimin was probably my favorite. He had cute chubby little cheeks and a wide smile. His voice was also much higher than the rest of dance squad's, and I found that cute too. He was the only one with his natural black hair.

"And I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm a Freshman." He gave me a cute smile. Jungkook was wearing a white t-shirt and he had his hair dyed deep purple. Despite being the youngest member of the dance squad, I think Jungkook was the most mature. He seemed very friendly.

"Well, nice to meet all of you," I said. "So, you guys are the Varsity Dance Squad?" The boys all looked at me, then busted out laughing.

"Varsity Dance Squad?" Jungkook laughed. "Who told you we were a Varsity Dance Squad?"

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