Chapter 23

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I timidly walked into the house with Nathan by my side, I'm not sure what I was afraid of. The look of hurt I would see on Lucas' face, simply seeing Charlie, or the whole ordeal. I truly don't think that is something I could handle. 

I soon found myself at the back door, from which I could see Charlie and Lucas sitting on the deck. I took a deep breath, Nate's hand, and opened the door.

Lucas' headed whipped around to see me, and the glare I got from him, it was cold as ice. "What the hell are you doing out here Emma?"

"Lucas.." I paused unsure of why he was acting this way, "I came to see how you were, after hearing of everything Charlie had done. I uh, I thought you might be upset and hurt that your friend had done this horr-"

"Just save it Emma." Lucas' voice cut me off, "Charlie told me the real story, and I can't believe that you would make up these lies about him. These awful things you've claimed he's done, the only reason I can think of that you would do this is that you truly are a crazy bitch."

Lucas' words stung, no they burned. They burned me to the core. My brother, one of the few people who was always supposed to be here for me, didn't believe me. I could see Nathan stepping forward to say something, but I pulled him back. I couldn't fathom what was happening, and right now I couldn't deal with Nathan adding anything in. 

"Lucas, nothing I said was a lie. Charlie tormented me for years, he made my life a living hell. He made me wish I was dead!" I could see a sly smile sneaking onto Charlie's face, and my words blowing past Lucas, they were meaning nothing. "What did he say to you to make you believe him over your own sister!"

"He told me how you tried to pick him up Emma, how you made advances and he politely said no. He said that after he had repeatedly turned you away that you started making up these rumors about him. He didn't know how to deal with them then so he let them pass, and then we moved. He didn't think it would affect him anymore. And this week you had to start it up again?Jesus Emma how much attention do you need?"

I stood mortified, Charlie had such a way of manipulating people, and my poor brother had fallen under his spell. 

"Here's the attention you've been dying for Emma. All eyes are on you now, and everyone knows how much of a freak you are." Charlie spat the words at me, he knew exactly what to say to hurt me, it was a natural talent of his. Causing pain came easy. 

I nodded my head and slowly started to back away, I didn't know what to say or do. I had hesitated at the back door afraid or seeing Charlie, little did I know the fear I felt was from the disbelief from my brother.  I gave Nathan's hand a tug, and pulled him along with me back to the house. There was nothing more for me out here, nothing more I could say to convince Lucas of what Charlie truly was, a monster.  

I walked back into the house to see Justin sitting at the table, icing his black eye. 

"How's Lucas? Pretty upset his friend could do such a thing?" 

"He doesn't believe me," I sighed and took a seat next to Justin. "Charlie made up some bullshit story about me having always been in love with him. That this whole situation came from rumors I had started about Charlie way back when. That's what Lucas believes anyways, I don't know how, but he does.

"Lucas is an idiot Emma-" As if on cue Lucas walked in on the middle of Justin's sentence.

"Starting rumors about me now, eh Emma? Trying to convince Justin I'm an idiot? Very kind of you." Lucas tried walking past us all but Nathan stood and blocked his way.

"Do you not realize what is going on with your sister? How hurt she is and what she'd doing to herself because of this evil span? She's killing herself because of him, and I don't know if you're to arrogant or stupid to realize that." Nathan, once again my night is shinning armor was protecting my honour. 

But Lucas just laughed in his face. "I'm stupid? Emma used to hide every time Charlie came over because she was to embarrassed to see him after all the rumors she had started. But yet she would still poke her head around walls to see if he was still here, the boy she was obsessed with hadn't left, and as soon as he would see her she would giggle and run away. Like the little school girl she was."

"I was afraid you idiot." I interrupted with tears spilling out of my eyes. "I was so afraid that he was in our house and he was just going to torment me more. I ran to my room to hide! I poked my head around corners praying he had finally left and I could come out of hiding."

"Emma you wrote me so many love letters, I'm sure I still have one or two at my house. I thought they were hilarious, such an idiotic little girl was so deeply in love with me. Don't try and act like you didn't love everything about me." Charlie was convincing Lucas more and more with every word that spilled from his lips, it didn't matter what I had to say.  

The thought of loving Charlie made me sick to my stomach, I could never love such a horrible human being.

"Whatever, we're going to a hotel or something. I'm not going to make Charlie stay somewhere with someone who lies so much, and I certainly don't feel like staying around for all of this. Text me once things have cooled down." Lucas lead the way to the front door, and grabbed a pair of keys along the way. 

"Lucas come back!" Justin yelled out after the fading figure of our brother.

"Let him go Justin. It's fine. I'm going to watch t.v." I stood up and headed to the living room while Nathan and Justin stayed sitting in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry I uh punched you, didn't realize Charlie had set up that kiss."

 I could hear Justin apologizing far off in the kitchen. Though I was great-ful that he was trying to make things better with Nathan, I didn't see the point.Charlie had won, he had turned Lucas against me and I'm sure had planted seeds of doubt in Nathan and Justin's heads. He had won, and truthfully I was tried of fighting this battle.

Nathan and Justin soon joined me in the living, we all sat for a while watching meaningless shows. No one knew what to say, "Sorry Lucas doesn't believe you, and we're starting to doubt you." Not really the easiest thing to say. We made small talk and I tried to pretend that it mattered, but none of it did. Charlie had won, I was numb and ready to give up on this war.

About an hour later Nathan stood up and grabbed his keys, "Well it's almost eleven so I should probably get going." He leaned down and gave me a kiss, "I'm here for you beautiful. Forever and always." 

I managed a smile back as Justin lead him to the door. "I'm going to head to bed too." I yelled to Justin.

"Okay goodnight." He yelled back as I made my way to the staircase. 

I got to my room still feeling numb. I wasn't sad that my own brother didn't believe me, or mad at Charlie for turning him against me. I didn't feel thankful that I still had Justin, or upset that Nathan and I were going to be taking  a break. I felt nothing. Sure I had felt this way before, but this time it was different. This time Charlie had won and I didn't see a point anymore. 

There isn't a point anymore. I said to myself as I grabbed my bottle of anti- depressants.

Charlie won. I said to myself as I put them into my mouth and swallowed over and over again.

Lucas doesn't believe you. I said to myself as I swallowed the last pill from the bottle. 

Everyone know's I'm a freak now. I said to myself as I made my way to my door to lock it.

No one will want you. I said to myself as I laid down in bed and pulled the sheets over me. 

You've lost this battle. I said to myself as my vision started to get blurry and my eye lids started to get heavier. 

There isn't a point. I said to myself as my eyes closed and my breathing slowed. There isn't a point. 

A/N let me know what you think. ~K

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