(Chapter 34) You're the worst

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Jackie's pov

It took awhile for me to believe, what he said. Elson was here all day yesterday playing dress up with his sisters. Somewhat unbelievable, and somewhat believable all the while. I could see him playing with his siblings, but dress up, I doubt it.

"I'm not sure, If I'll believe you on that part, when you said dress up." I said.

"Alright, I played dress up, sue me! But really." He said, and gesturing to himself. "How could you not believe me, when I'm wearing something my uncle would wear!" He said as he getured to what he was wearing.

Yep, he was wearing something he won't wear, willingly.

"Alright, I can see that." I said, which made him sigh in relief. "But still unrealistic." He groaned as he slumped his arms to his side with a frustrated look.

Moments later

Okay, now I believe him. I was wearing a white dress that ended above my knees, that has white long sleeves. It was kinda tight, but It wasn't tight enough for me to not move.

I glance at him, he was smiling, charmingly, It looks so real, but I knew It was fake. If I din't know him, I would of fallen for it from the very begining.

"I'll be right back!" She said with her cute accent showing as she left the room to get more snacks.

"You believe me now?" He asked his soft, and charming tone replaced with a smug look, and tone.

"Shut up." I mumbled "Why did I even follow him here?" I mumbled to myself, but he manage to hear me. Probably, because he was next to me, passing my mark! I was annoyed at how close we were, and how it feels like this dress is getting tighter, when I get annoyed.

"I don't know, your the one that followed me with your pants ripped." He said as he looked at me with a smug smile.

"That was my favorite pants." I mumbled as I laid my head on the table. "Could you move a few inches, atleast? I need my personal space, you know?"

"I would, but what's the point?" He said as he rested his cheek on his palm, looking at me. "She'll notice, and move the chair, more near to yours. So your personal space will fly out the window."

"Isn't she too young, to think about matchmaking?" I asked.

"She's almost 13, she started doing these kinds of things, when she found out about us getting married." When I was about to ask when, he cutted me off. "She found out, when you left." He said, bitterly. It suddenly then got colder in the room, and a dark aura was surronding next to me.

"She kept asking me about when the wedding is going to happen, she kept asking me If I proposed or you did, she even asked me, If I really.... nevermind." He was hesistant about the last part. I know, what he was going to say, he din't want to talk about it, I guess. It must have been akward for him, and he must of hated me for leaving him at that time.

"Could you still move?"

"We are close enough, Jackie. Next time, she sees us move eachothers seat, she'll make you sit on me." He said, which made me look away as a small blush creeped across my cheek. Just the thought of it - No! There's no way! Curse, this mind for being dirty!

Though is this really the first time he called me by my name? I don't remember him calling me, Jackie. Just Jaqueline, though that was just a dream. Why did I think of that dream, again!?

"Why are you blushing, again?"

"It's none of your bussiness on why I'm blushing." I said as I turned to him.

"Someone's salty about her pants getting ripped." He said with a smug smile.

"You're the worst."

"Yes, I'am!"

What is wrong with this guy? More importantly, what is wrong with me, this guy has, no shame, but why? He's practically insulting himself.

"I'm back!" The door opened, as I mentally sighed in relief, I'm not alone with this guy, that is practically insulting himself! "Did you, guys, move your chairs?" She asked with a suspicious look.

I looked at her for a moment confused, then looked at the person next to me, he had an amused look on his face. He looked, like he moved a little. This guy is seriously the worst!

"You guys are still close, but sister said, you have to be close, so you'd get used to eachother's presence." She said placing the tray of food, and drinks, and then moved us a bit closer, when she sat on her chair, and started eating. There goes my personal space.

"You did that on purpose, did you?" I whispered to him for Olla, not to hear.

"Maybe, I did, maybe I din't." He whispered back as he glance at me.

I din't see you for a long time, and I see you again. You do this to me. Why was I engage to this guy, again?


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