(Chapter 33) Never seen you like this before

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Jackie's pov

So, their the ones that own this private house, and beach. I always wanted to go swimming here, and live here at that nice, and cozy looking beach house. I always did think about it, when I was in middle school. Too bad, so sad.

There was always a gate here. I climbed it a couple of times, when I was young girl. I heared, no one lived here, some people thought it was haunted or something, since no one lived here or moved or renovated.

Who knew it belonged to the Arendelle family, who were Norwegians. That doesn't live here, but were their vacation home. But I never thought of them to take vacations that they build vacation homes.

Well, then.... better start climbing! Good thing, I'm not wearing a dress or skirt.

I manage to climb the way up. No one, really bothered to investigate about this place, It was either they were scared or just lazy. I took my chance in climbing it, but I never really got down. I manage to get down safely, but I did have a piece of fabric rip off of my pants. To bad, I really liked these pants. Well, no need to be all upset over it, what's done is done. Though, I'm still sad about them even if It's already ripped.

It was actually more beautiful, when you're near the view. I saw the big beach house from a distance, It's probably bigger up close or something. As I walked torwards it for a long time as I legs begun to hurt. How long is this distance torwards that beach house?! I just began to run torwards it, which made me tired, after awhile feeling like I was in a dessert with water, I made it there! I never knew, I'd make it.

The sweet success of victory!

As I walked up the porch of the house about to knock on the door ignoring the door bell, since who's gonna hear that anyway?! Anyway, as I was about to knock on the door, I felt someone hold onto my leg, which startelled me.

"Jackie?" I heared a familiar sweet voice with a little accent, it that has been awhile, since I heared of. I sighed in relief as I turned around to see Olivia with a confused expression on her face. "How'd did you get in? And how'd you even know we're here?"

"I climbed the gate, which took me awhile, since I had to climb it, and go down the gate, which made a piece of my pants rip off." I said as I gestured to the pants with Olla hugging it tightly. "And your brother told me, where you guys are." I flicked the piece of paper to her as I said that.

"Well, It is his hand writting, but looks more formal then per usual." She said as she handed me back the piece of paper.
"Come in, and you can still walk with her on your ankle. She's very light, though it's not pretty easy at first, when she's holding onto your leg, but you'll get used to it." She explained as she open the door.

I followed her in as she kept holding my leg. It has been awhile, since my little siblings hold onto my leg. Though, I doubt that they'll ever hold onto me ever again. After awhile she let go of my leg, and she suddenly ran into a room with her cape flowing behind her.

"Sorry about your pants. You could of just called one of us." She said as she looked at the small rip.

"Well, I would If I could, but I don't have any of you guys' numbers." I said then she looked at me in surprize as a small tint of pink started appearing across her cheeks in realization.

"I'm sorry. I forgot we never gave you our numbers, I thought your parents gave you ours, since they gave us yours." She said as she looked down. She was really embarrassed. Wait, did she just say, they gave them my number from the very begining? And they din't gave me theirs, when I was still in that maze of a mansion. I could've have you used that, when I was lost at times at the mansion!

"Since, when did they gave you my number?"

"A few weeks when you, and your friends came to live with us, why do you ask?" She asked confused.

"No, reason. I just have to make a call. Is there any signal here?" I mumbled the last part as I was about to leave the room, and somewhere in the house, where no one is there.

As I was looking, I bump into someone as I was looking. Story of my life, since this arrange marriage thing happened. I look up to see my fiancé's uncle. I din't know he was coming in this trip, too.

"Sorry about that, Uncle." I said as I passed him. "Nice new hair style by the way." He looks so much younger.... and shorter. Okay, he's tall, and all, but seems a bit shorter.

"How did you know?" I stopped, when I heared his voice. I turned back around to face him.

"Know what?"

"Know, where we are?"

"Your nephew gave me an address."

"What are you talking about? I don't have a nephew." I looked at him confused, as he looked at me in return.

"Do you have amnesia or is this somekind of joke? Elson, gave me the address to this.... whatever it is, if this is a beach house, vacation house or something else." I said.

"That's impossible!" As I was about to ask why, he cutted me off. "Because I'm Elson, and I've been here all day yesterday, playing dress up with my sister!" He yelled, which made me stare at him in shock.

Because he said he was playing dress up.... and that he was here all day yesterday, of course.


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