(Chapter 17) Why are they weird?

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Andrew's pov

I was banging my head at an empty hall. I hate being alone, but I can spill secrets easly. Why those he have an over protective brother mode? I need to get that out of my mind if, I don't I'll end up touching one of Elson's spell books. I can't clear my mind, usually they can hang out with there dogs.

I don't have one, because I was almost beaten by a big dog, that paralized me at a young age, the only thing that could help was Elson's care or Raphael's magic hair. Of coures, I choose Elson, because at that time, I never really hanged out with him that much, I saw that as a chance to spend sometime with my brother.

My thoughts, were interrupted by something shattering I look at my back, that room was the art room that mom, and dad love so much. Let's hope, it's the vase Elson made, that vase was made with pure ice, but our parents din't know so it's easy to make for him to replace the others that were broken.

I opened the door, then I saw a girl with dirty blonde hair her back facing me, and she was kneeling down, I slowly walkef up to her, and kneeled down next her I took a peace of the vase it and inspect it Ice, blue with frost it was really a give away from the cold touch.

I then lookef at the girl, she had a frown on her face, I admit she's pretty cute, but I made a vow not falling inlove, hey I may date many girls, but I never really like them, I don't even know, why most of them have horrible breath.

I just smiled at her.

"It's okay, It can be easly fix." I reassured her, I was different from my brother, and cousins, they won't fall in love that easly, and of coures. I got dump in a very horrible way, because the girl, I thought I loved the girl, and I thought that loved me back was really into my brother.

I don't know, my brother that much, but I do know he doesn't like girls that much. Well, except I think it's hate now, but Elson was always sweet to our sisters, but he'll go berserk if he hears the word he dreaded, but he goes to a room to hide it.... but It's pretty obvious really.

I then remember what dad told us.

"Be a gentlemen to them, I don't want those girls' parents dreading us." He said, oh well I then look at her again, but she was gone, how strange.

Rahphael's pov

"Um, excuse me." I heared a rather feminine voice, behind my back. I turned around to see a girl, that has brown hair and hazel eyes.

"You dropped this." She said, she was holding a purple hangkerchef with a sun printed on to it.

"Uhh yeah, thanks." I said as I took it from her.

I then look at where she was standing she was gone, oh well at least I won't talk to her for too long.

Elson's pov

I was bangging my fist on my bed.

"Why. Can't. I. Just. Sleep!" I shouted, I tryed everything, but nothing works, though I haven't have tea, yet. Right that might work, it's been three days, since I have a cup of tea, anyway.

I walk to the kitchen no one was there no chefs, no maids, and no butlers. Atleast, I can have some little time alone, I opened a cabinet i saw a bunch of tea bags i made my favorite blueberry tea.

Though, it was color red, I'm not really a fan of red, but I only like it for the taste it was my first, and favorite that calmed me down that is until someone disturbed me, It always happens.

I heared the door open it was Andrew, I then, sighed I knew, that this would happen.

"Hey El." He greeted going to the fridge, and getting a plate of chocolate he then sat next to me. "Hey, can you do a favor?" He said looking at me.

"It defends on what kind of favor." I said taking a sip from my tea cup.

"Do you mind making another ice vase?" He said, I sighed.

"You broke it again din't you." It was more like a statement, then a question, I knew it wasn't him though.

"No, I din't break it a girl broke it." He said stuffing a handful of chocolate in his mouth.

"I know, I was just testing if you really care." I said, calmly he looks at me confused.

"Were you spying on me?" He said swallowing the chocolate.

"I just know these stuff." I said.

"And I'll help you, but the tea first." I said he groaned.

"Fine." He groaned.

Many tea cups later

I drank my last cup, while I was drinking Andrew fell asleep, he was snoring, and salava coming from his mouth, I shaked him by the shoulder.

"Hey, Andrew wake up!" I shouted. "If you don't wake up, I'll eat all your chocolate." I whispered in his ear

"You woudn't dare!" He shouted, falling off the stool, he was sitting on.

"I thought, you wanted my help on making an ice vase?" I said, leaning to the floor.

"Yes, I need your help!" He shouted, running to the art room mom, and dad loves so much, while dragging me with him.

"See, It's shattered in pieces." He said, pointing at vase that was once beautiful now was half melted, and broken.

I grab a broken piece, and looked at it for a moment.

"Give me the glass." I said, he put it next to my side. I calmed down, and closed my eyes, when opened my eyes, I was holding the new vase. I put it on the small table, and put the glass so it woudn't melt.

Blake's pov

I was in my room masaging my temples in frustration.

"So you're telling me; that you put the boys' favorite chocolate in the cookies without permission from me?" I said.

"We're sorry." Iduna said as she looked to the ground.

"I can understand that, but really?! Remember what I told you always follow the recipe or else it will have a different out come?" I scolded them.

"That spell was suppose to make them forgot not make it worst with love." I said.

"Now, I have to find something to cure them.".

"You three don't worry, I'll find something you should go now." I said they'll exit the room.

"We're truly sorry, Blake." Iduna said as she left the room to tell the others.

I fell to the bed, which bounced a little, as I sighed

" know."


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