(Chapter 19) They're inlove?!

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Elson's pov

I sigh in frustration. I kept staring at my chest, where the mirror was in, and in a small chest. I have never been this curious, before in my whole life. I just find out on my own with my mind people say, I can read minds, and see other people's dark secrets, that isn't true at all, I just know.

"How long are you guys gonna stare at me?" I asked, I know they were staring at me from behind my back, and it's starting creeping me out now even when people were always stare at me, but when it come to these three they're just weird, since I always hang out with then, and I feel weird, when they're staring at me.

"I don't know, how long are you gonna stare at you chest?" Merduis asked, still looking at me.

I sighed, knowing them they're not gonna give up that easy.

'"You guys, aren't leaving until I open it, huh?" I asked, I already knew them to well for this.

"Nope." They said in unison, while still looking.

"I'll open it." I said, while they cheered, I was gonna open that chest anyways. I opened the chest, and got out that small case, that has the mirror hiden in it.

I opened it, and took it out. I looked at it for a few moments, but the only thing I see is my reflection.

"Hey! Wake up, are you still alive?" Andrew said, which made him appear, before the mirror.

"Excuse me, princess!" The mirror shouted with a annoyed look on it's face.

"Don't you two dare start a fight." I said snnpyed but not angered.

"But-" I cut Andrew off by looking at him straight in the eye, which silences him. I look back at the mirror he has the same face as Andrew he was converting his eyes everywhere.

"Let's just get this over with." I said, calming down a little.

"But it's not the right time." The mirror said, then we heared our old grandfather clock ring it was 12 pm now though it usually rings on midnight.

"It's time!" He shouted really loudly, which caused the others flience except, Mr. closed their ears with their fingers, I din't do that, because I was wearing my headphones, which was playing really loud music. It wasn't at first, then it turned really high, which was good for me.

I rolled my eyes at him, he said it wasn't the right time, and now it is. Wow, that's just great for us!

A few moments later

"What!" The others shouted in unison except me. I already know they're  inlove with us "What do you mean there inlove with us?" They asked, lowering there voices a little.

"But don't worry, It's just a spell." The mirror said, trying to calm the others, before they ruin our room, and we have to move to a new one.

"Yeah, a love posion." I said it's funny, how they react to things, like thus.

"If it's just a spell, then it has to wear off or has an antidote for it, right?" Raphael askedthe mirror.

"Right you are Rahp." I said giving him a pat on the back.

"Yes but-" He was cut off by Andrew.

"What is it?" Andrew asked with a hint of curiosity.

"I'm not sure, if you four want to know." He said sounding nervous.

"Come on, thats a question." Merduis said.

"Well..." He mumbled the rest of the words except, 'well' which they din't hear anything I heared, because I took off my headset, and put it around my neck.

"What?" Merduis said, confused he mumbled it again a bit louder, but not enough for them to hear.

"Come on you can tell us." Raphael said trying to encourage him.

"It can only be done by a kiss!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

I knew it! I look at the others theire jaws, were wide open they might catch flys though.

"We have to kiss them?" They said unison.

"Yes, you have too." I said trying to make it clear for them it looks, like they don't understand at all they look at me.

"Wait, why us not you?" They asked, confused.

"Because I don't really mind if someone loves me or not." I said getting up from the couch. "But you guys care." I said looking at them.

"There's gotta be another way." Raphael said.

"There is one, but I don't know." The mirror said.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Merduis asked.

"Remember, I belong to your mothers, and uncle?" He asked.

"Yes." They said, while nodding.

"Your uncle cast a spell on me that, I could forget all his important spell, but the only thing that I remember is that spell." He said, and he disappeared from the mirror.

"What are we gonna do now?" Andrew asked, looking at us.

"We can just ignore them, I mean how bad can they possibly be?" Merduis said.


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