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Harry, Ginny and Hermione arrived at number 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Okay here we go," Harry place their luggage inside. "Tomorrow Ginny and I will fetch little Teddy from Mrs. Tonks, you'll stay here Hermione. Understand?"

Hermione didn't answer, her mind was drifting somewhere else. Ginny elbowed her slightly, she lifedt her head and looked at Harry by her blood shot eyes. "Y-yeah" she mumbled in a hoarse voice.

"Good. Now I'll just buy our food. Ginny, don't you dare take your eyes off Hermione," Harry said, sounding like their father.

"Oh come on, she's not a three year old child Harry," Ginny complained.

"Just make sure she won't run away," Harry threw them a final glance before grabbing his jacket and exited the flat.

Hermione started to sob again, her heart was crushing at the thought of Draco. She slumped down on the nearest couch, feeling sick to her stomach. "Gin.. I want to see him.."

"I know Hermione," Ginny sat beside her and caress her back gently. "I will talk to him this night, If he agreed then you can apparate to the manor right away, if he didn't then you'll apparate to manor anyway." 

Hermione lifted her gaze, catching Ginny's eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"The only reason why I don't let you follow him is the hope that maybe we can persuade Harry to let you stay with Malfoy. Now, if he will continue bitching about it then I will slap him across the face and you can go." She smiled at Hermione, crossing her arms to her chest.

Hermione felt a sudden relief, knowing that after all she still got someone who understand her. "I can't imagine my life without you Gin,"

Ginny pulled away and look straight at her hazel orbs. "You deserves to be happy. After all you've been through. It doesn't matter who or what will make you smile Hermione. I just don't get why my brother and boyfriend are being so over protective for a lady who practically saved their arses many times!" 

Hermiones mood rise again in hope that Ginny will help her to see Draco and spend the Christmas with him. She ate happily with them that night and easily fell asleep.


Hermione woke up by a vigorous shake on her shoulder. "Hermione wake up," Ginny hissed.

It's still dark outside but Ginny was in her thick winter coat and boots already. "What is it Gin?" Hermione propped in a sitting position, squinting her eyes against the lamp Ginny was holding.

"You have to go now, Harry was a still hard headed arsehole. He didn't listen to me, I failed to persuade him so now get your things and we will go. Come on," Ginny commanded briskly, glancing once in a while at the door.

"Okay," Hermione climbed out of bed and changed quickly into thick clothes and jacket, she slid on her ankle boots and seized her hand bag. "Come on."

The two girls pushed their way down the stairs, trying to avoid making noise. Finally they got out of the apartment and jogged across the street.

"Take care of yourself Hermione.. Will you? I don't know what to do if ever something happens to you." Ginny worriedly reminded her.

"Yes I will, thank you so much Ginny!" Hermione hugged her tightly for the last time.

"Go on, he's already waiting for you. " Ginny smiled as she pulled away from her friend. Hermione waved goodbye then disapparated.

Secret Love Song ➰ D.M (Dramione Fanfic) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now