You owe me Something

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Draco woke up first that morning, Hermione's head was resting at her arms on the bed. She's breathing deeply, he stared at her long lashes and scanned every pores of her face. It's true, Hermione grown up remarkably good looking, her rosy cheeks matches her pinkish lips. Her hair was still light brown but not that bushy like when they are in first year, it's now a bit wavy and squashy. Her body also did a magnificent changes as puberty hits her, although Draco can't see her curves due to her choice of clothings.

His mind flew somewhere else, he smirked as he watched Hermiones deep inhales and exhales. "You're here because you think I'm stupid enough to fall for a mudblood like you.." He whispered.

"But I'm sorry to tell you... This is the biggest mistake you did in your life, you just gave me a very good way to hurt you." He shook his head and he threw a pitiful look toward the witch.

He grabbed his coat and set off to the door leaving Hermione behind who's still in a deep slumber.

"Draco!" Blaise came, a wide grin on his face as he tapped Dracos shoulder.

"Argh! Idiot!" Draco scowled because Blaise just hit his injured arm.

"Oh sorry." He raised his both hand as sign of surrender.

"Don't start with me Blaise, I'm not in the mood today." He continued walking up to the heads common room in 7th floor.

"Chill, we have Defense Againts the Dark Arts this afternoon, are you going?" He said while walking at the side of Draco.

"Nah.. I don't want any rubbish for today. I want to rest." They reached the portrait ."Diggory." It swung open and the two boys entered the common room.

"Whoa! This is fantastic!" Blaise exclaimed before slumping his body at the deep velvet couch.

"I'll just take a shower, wait here and don't go anywhere." He commanded then climbed up to his room.

Draco removed the bandage on his left arm, wincing at the slight pain in his fractured bone. "That stinky Scarhead!" He muttered angrily remembering how he was defeated again by his greatest enemy.

He grabbed a new white sleeve, black pants, and their usual Slytherin neck tie. He jogged back to bathroom and took a shower. On the other side, Hermione woke up by a soft tapping in her shoulder, she lifted her head and saw Madam Pomfreys smiling face.

"Good morning dear, I guess Mr. Malfoy had gone out earlier." She said.

"Oh no!" Hermione jumped off the chair and checked her wrist watch. "I'm gonna be late in Arithmancy!" She cried.

"I'm going now Madam Pomfrey." She said then stormed out of the hospital wing, she ran two steps at a time on each stairs.

"That ungreatful bloody ferret!" She howled in frustration.

She almost flew to reach the ballerina portrait as she shout "Diggory" the ballerina grimaced at her before letting her in, she ran inside without noticing Blaise Zabini who's looking at her confusedly. She blasted open her room's door as she jogged upstairs and immediately changed into her school robes, she grabbed her bag and ran back downstairs.

"What are you doing here?! How did you got in?!" Hermione exclaimed chasing her breath as she raised her brow to Blaise.

"I'm sitting here the whole time." He replied lifting his feet to the couch, at this moment Draco emerged from the bathrooms door, he's wiping his hair by the towel when Hermione turned to him.

"You! Why you didn't wake me up?!" She scowled.

"What do you mean he didn't wake you up?" Blaise sat straight looking aghast. "Don't tell me you slept together?".

Secret Love Song ➰ D.M (Dramione Fanfic) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now