Heart Break

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Hermione woke up early that day. She picked up her school robes and goes straight to the bathroom. She pushed the door, but there's someone inside.. Her eyes grew wider when she realized that Draco was in the same bathroom probably naked under the running water.

"Granger?!" Draco called.

Hermione turned bright red and almost trip as she ran outside of the bathroom, her heart was pounding inside her chest. "That was close," She slumped  her back against the soft couch.

"Hey mudblood, did you enjoyed watching me taking a bath?" Draco came wearing only his black trouser, some bits of water were dripping from his hair down to his torso. Hermione blushed a little bit more at this sight.

"What?! I don't know what you're talking about Malfoy. If you don't mind, I will use the bathroom now," She said, trying so remain calm.

"Oh really? Then what does your bra doing at the bathroom floor? Don't tell me it walked there and peek at my naked body," He grinned and lifted Hermiones bra in the air.

Her face went extremely  crimson. "Give it to me Malfoy!" She yelled and marched towards Draco.

He stepped backward. "No, unless you admit that you're peeking at my bath," He taunted.

"No way! I didn't, it's an accident. I didn't know because I think it's too early for you to wake up!" She bellowed, trying so hard to reach her bra from Dracos hand.

"I don't believe you Granger. You stay away from me understand? Don't let me hurt you," He said coldy, his grey eyes were void of expression, he threw her bra at the couch and turns to his back. "Oh, and I feel sorry for Weasleby. Hope your future child will get enough nutrients from you Granger." He added before walking into his room.

Hermione clenched her fist and muttered curse to under her breath. She took a bath and changed her clothes as fast as possible, then stormed out of the dormitory.

"Hermione!" Harry called her and gestured at his side. She ran and settled herself, she's breathing fast and frown never left her face.

"Can you believe my luck?! I am sharing a dormitory with the ferret Malfoy!" She scowled. Ginny looked at her with disbelief, Harrys mouth hangs open but Ron didn't give a single reaction.

"Ron! That stupid racist! He kept calling me mudblood! Honestly my life there is a living hell!" She cried.

"Oh Hermione, have you told this to the headmistress? Maybe it's just a mistake," Harry said, throwing her a worried stare.

"Yes, but she insist that her decision is final. What will I do now? I can't stand another hour with him! Ron! Are you listening to me?!" She hits Ron with a thick book.

"Bloody hell Hermione! You're blabbing nonstop! Can you give me a break?! Honestly, you're too noisy!" He blurted out and bolted up, leaving them behind.

"Ron!" Harry called, Hermione was now in tears. "Don't mind him Hermione... I will talk to Professor McGonagall, I'll try my best to persuade her," Harry said with a faint smile.

"Thanks Harry.." She whispered. After they ate, Hermione did all her duty. Giving the prefects their daily tasks and patrolling at the corridor as often as needed.

After her potion class, she gathered all her books, parchment and quills and threw it inside her bag. She ran to her next subject. The Muggle Studies.

"I'm sorry I'm late professor," She said apologetically.

"It's okay Ms. Granger. You can sit beside Mr. Malfoy," She replied.

"Malfoy?!" She immediately looked at the back row, she spotted that blond hair and grey eyes staring back at her. She walked slowly and sat at Dracos side without breaking her confuse look at his face.

Secret Love Song ➰ D.M (Dramione Fanfic) *EDITING*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz