We can be Together

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Hermione woke up early and said goodbye to Ginny. She climbed up to heads dormitory to fetch her things and go straight to her class. But unfortunately when the portrait swung open, Draco Malfoy was already sitting on the couch with a cup of tea on his hand.

"You didn't showed up last night." He said.

"So?" Hermione rolled her eyes and continued walking towards her door.

Draco rise from his seat and blocked her way. "Step aside, I'm in a hurry." Said Hermione, she didn't looking at his eyes because her tears might spill at any moment.

Draco lean his shoulder on the wall, crossing his arms to his chest as he smirked at her. "I know you saw us, Pansy and I." He teased.

"Oh really, no need to be ashamed. I know what kind of guy you are." She snapped.

"Me? Ashamed? To whom? You?!" Draco let out a soft annoying chuckle.

"Granger... Granger, can you hear yourself? I don't even care if you walk passed us even if we're naked." He was smiling but his grey eyes was cold as stone.

Hermione gulped, trying to resist the urge to cry. "I can't believe that you've grown up in a well respected family before, you sounds like you we're raised in an uneducated family." She said.

"What am I saying is, Granger .. It looks like you misinterpreted what I did on the ball. You think I get jealous or what. Aren't you?" He spoke in almost a whisper.

That's true.. But she won't admit that especially now that she know he will use it to pulverized her heart.

"Why can't you answer? It's true right? You think I'm jealous of that muggle?" Said Draco with the same annoying tone.

"Just step aside, I'll be late on my class." Said Hermione.

"Admit it." Draco snapped, his smirk grew wider.

"Fine. Happy? Now can I enter now in my room?" She asked getting more irritated.

Draco laughed as his cold fingers rest on her chin, he lift it up and caught Hermiones eyes. Grey stone meets brown orbs. "You are pathetic. Stop assuming that I like you, because to tell you the truth.. Even if you walk naked in my room to give me your virginity. I won't ever touch your skin. Filthy mudblood."

At this moment, Hermione already loosed all her temper. It seems like all her blood rises to her head as her eyes burned in so much anger. Her hand automatically landed on Dracos pale face.

Hermiones palm leaves a pink mark on Dracos cheek, he touched it as his eyes turned to her. There's a moment of silence before Draco step aside and walk out of the room slamming the portrait door in a deafening sound.

Hermione climbed up to her room, tears are now slipping from her eyes. "You did the right thing. He doesn't have the rights to insult you. You're a girl, a warrior, and not just a mudblood." She said to herself.

On their potion class.

Draco wasn't listening to Slughorns discussion, his eyes was fixed on Hermione who's also quite in the corner. She never raised her hand when the professor was asking questions, this makes her fellow Gryffindor worried.

"Okay now, I'll group you into two. I put the Gryffindors name in this jar. Slytherins will pick it randomly. Please fall in line." Said Slughorn putting the jar on the table.

All the slytherins pick a piece of parchment but Draco didn't rise from his seat. "Oh man! I got weaslette." Said Blaise as Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Okay the chosen one." Pansy snapped, Harry sighed before grabbing his cauldron and settled beside Pansy.

Secret Love Song ➰ D.M (Dramione Fanfic) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now