Chapter 22

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"Why me?" I whispered. Not expecting him to hear, but then again he was a vampire.

"No one's sure, but it's better then being a full human." He said.

"And either way I would die a gruesome death, I've came across things I never wanted to, I never had a fast death, or came to close to my death, and they were so painful, what's different from being a human?" I asked making a good point.

He looked at me blankly, yep, I won that one, he had nothing to say to that. Ha.

He started walking towards me again, I backed away from him. Every step he took, I took one back. Until I hit the wall.

His hands came to my face and I flinched, they moved some of the wet hair out of my face, as he did this, his cold skin touched my burning skin, I shuddered.

"I want you...Now." He said. The color drained from my face. I stared deep into his green leaf eyes. But they were so much different then Dawnars which I was glad for.

"No, don't do this. I won't hurt anybody. I promise." I said, gulping. I knew it wasn't going to work.

His hand went to my neck, chooking me, the calm green in his eyes turned to anger. The bloodlust is getting to him.

"Stop." I gasped trying to gain my breath.

"You made this fate for yourself. You already hurt people. Your to dangerous to live." He said, his fangs starting to show.

"What? Like you? Aren't you as dangerous as me?" I said. He was a vampire, he was more dangerous then me. I think.

"Yes but we know about our selves, and why we are here. But you do not." He said, before letting go of my neck. A woosh of air came into my lungs.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and carried me towards the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked panicky. "Don't worry, we won't do anything unless you want to." He said. There was a hidden smirk.

"I still don't understand why we are on the bed." I said.

There was no answer. He dropped me down on it, and I made a lunge to get off as fast as I could, buthis iron cold hands stopped me as he held me down by my chest.

"I won't die, not this time, I sm strong enough to kill you." I threatned.

"If your strong enough to kill me, then why haven't you done it yet?" He asked. I thought blankly. That was a good question.

"I...I-" It wouldn't come out.

"That's what I thought. What do you have to live for? Your family is probably forgetting you right now, vampires are after you, and you are weak at this point. Tell me Emily. What's the point of living?" He asked softly. The tears brimmed but I would not let them fall.

I shook my head. "No, my family is looking for me, they know I'm alive, and they will continue, and I'll kill all those vampires that come after me." I said, I sounded so powerful, it made him tremble.

"You'd kill Dawnar?" He asked, in that same tone.

I nodded knowing full well it was gonna be hard to do that.

"No, you wouldn't be able to, I have a hard time killing him. Just...give it up." He said.

I shook my head again, a cold chill entering the room.

"Lke I said, No. I know they told you to say all this, so it would make it easier to kill me, but I'm not falling for it. I have this strange feeling that you still want me around." I whispered.

He growled, and then he lowered his head down towards my neck. I let a small scream out.

His hands released from my chest. Only to be put on my thighs, and he moved one to catch both my hands in his free one.

"Stop it, I know you don't want to do this." I said. His cold breath stopped by my neck.

"Oh, Really? I want everything from you, what vampire doesn't?" He said. His fangs came closer to my face as he said this.

Opps, I must be pissing him off. Good, but deep down I know he doesn't want to kill me. If I could show him though.

He shoved his face down to my neck and I whimpered as I felt the tiny scratches that his fangs were leaving.

"Don't do this!" I whispered shutting my eyes. The sharp pain hit me as his teeth sunk in, I would not give him the pleasure from my screaming, I clenched my teeth.

I thought he was going to be easy, I heard the first gulp he took and my stomach twisted.

His hand rubbed my thigh. I held back a moan, but the shudder escaped. He let go of my hands and moved both of his hands down my thighs. I couldn't hold back the moan.

 The worst part about this was the tingles he was giving me, they were a bit like shocks. I never noticed it before.

This has to stop, I can't like a man who is trying to kill me, I can't let him get to me.

I pushed at his chest, he had started to let the pain from biting me subside.

"You have to stop please." I whispered again, he paused for half a second then continued what he was doing.

A small plan came to mind, I put my mouth closer to his ear and whispered. "Stop! You know you don't want to do this!" My lips brushed his eaar, and he froze, pulling away from me.

"How'd you do that?" He growled. I held my bleeding neck. Shaking my head to get the dizzyness gone.

"I don't know, but you have to stop." I cried.

He shook his head, regret in his eyes. I wonder why that is?

"What needs to be done is going to be done." He moved his mouth towards my neck, I was read to scream, but then he pulled back.

I looked at him confused, but happy at the same time. Maybe there was a chance to get out of this alive.

"I...I can't do it. You hold a spell on me." He said. Shock hit me in the face then.

He straightned suddenly and growled. I turned to look the way he was looking in, there he was by the window.


I groaned enternally, this can't be happening. It's like a pattern.

 Votes would be awseom guys thx.







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