Chapter 4

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  The storm blew my hair every where, I was thank full to be blinded from the snow, I didn't want to see his face, it was bad enough I could imagine it.  He let go of my collar only to replace his hand into my hair and grabbing a tuft of it, pulling me with him.

I cried out in pain. "Stop!" I cried. But he didn't instead we walked towards what seemed to be a tree. My back pressed against the rough bark, the giant structure shielded us from the on coming snow.

 My body shook really bad, not from fright but from the cold, I wanted to be sitting in front of the fire at home, sitting with hot chocolate in my hands wrapped in a blanket sitting with my little dog ' Santa' He got the name when he was a gift from Santa it was four years ago and I was still young, so don't blame me, he was just a American Eskimo, pure white, which is why I called him Santa.

 Of course I couldn't be there with my family, instead I was against a tree with a creature that shouldn't even be alive, only in books.

 He let go of my hair, he pressed his body into me, pushing me further into the tree, my back scratched at the bark, even through the coat that offered me little protection.

 "You will learn not to run from me girl. I'm much more stronger than you'll ever be in your life, so don't try. Or I"ll kill you right on the spot." He threatened. A whimper escaped my lips.

 That was a good enough answer for him, Dawnar grabbed my wrist and pulled me from the protection of the tree, and back to the blizzard, my face was numb, my nose was running and my eyes felt frozen.

 "We are almost there, pick the pace up"He ordered me, I immediately did what he said.

After about 25 minutes we were on what felt like a road. No cars sounded around me, making the road deserted.

"I'm cold." I complained, he yanked me harder making me go forward harsh, I took that as another warning from him.

We seemed to have stopped in front of a large building, I could see a few bright neon colors through the storm.

 "We'll stay here for a bit, but keep your mouth shut or else I'll tear your voice box out of you."He threatened. I shuddered at the thought of him being capable of it.

 He opened  some doors, holding it open for me to step in. Instantly the warmth touched my numb, blue skin. It was bright, a man dressed nicely stood at a desk searching through some papers.

 He was old, in his at least early sixties, his glasses slipped down his nose while he was searching, and his gray hair was a mess. When he saw us he stood up straight.

"Hello, Bad weather ain't it?"He asked. I gave a simple nod, Dawnar gave a smile. "Yes it is,"He said quietly to the old hotel manager.

"A room for two?" The old man asked. Looking at me then to Dawnar.

 He nodded, then was given the key to our room. "I'll send up some food for you, if you'd like?"The man asked.

"Yes thank you, some soup would be good if it is possible."Dawnar said, then walked to the elevator hitting the button and waiting. I felt my eyes watering, they were so sore, from the cold and lack of sleep I had. When the elevator doors opened indicating for us to get in, I leaned against the side and closed my eyes feeling his deathly stare on me.

"What do you want?"I asked him still not opening them. I knew his answer before he even said it.

"You..." I clenched my jaw, "Why? What did I do to deserve this?"I asked a bit louder then necessary.

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