Chapter 3

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The cold was starting to effect me, I shivered.

"Take my coat, I don't need it."He said stopping beside a giant willow tree, and shrugging out of his jacket. I took unwillingly, but what choice did I have? He would hurt me. I knew that by fact.

 I slid it on, and we continued walking, following behind him, the night time sky showing through the tree's that were blowing wildly. I didn't talk to him, he didn't say anything, I didn't want to talk to him. We walked for quiet the time, almost 3 hours, which was enough for me.

 My stomach rumbled, he looked back at me. His eyebrow raised. I blushed. One thing that bugged me was if I was going to die, I had the urge to know his name, I had no idea why.

"Can I...Know your name?"I asked quietly. He thought for a moment before answering.

"Dawnar. Hurry up, your very slow." He said in a annoyed voice. I sighed, my legs were hurting, and every step I took made me feel sicker.

My stomach growled again, louder and he stopped pulling off the backpack he was carrying and tossed me a granola bar, I took it , and opened it with a quiet thanks. Eating it greedly I continued as the wind picked up harder and the trees seem to sway downwards, as if they were threatning to fall on us.

Fall leaves crunched under are feet, I kept debating weather to run or not. But I feared of what would happen if I chose to run. I knew he was waiting, he was always glancing at me every second, my legs were burning and I felt so tired. I don't know how far I would manage to run at this rate, the cold was starting to really effect me and I had sore legs from when he had dragged me into the forest. 


Dawnar's POV

 She was slowing me down, I needed her to stay healthy for whatever came next, she was mine for the time being, a snack, a toy, my slave. But once I tap into her blood I can try her blood to see if its worth the power that I can sense, see if she's worth all the trouble I'm going for her.

There's something strange about this one, I am starting to think that I was drawn to her for a reason when I was out looking for a bite to eat, I can try it see if she is worth the trouble, if not she shall die after use.

Emily is nothing more then a stupid human to play with and dispose of.

I was waiting for her to run, take a chance, her heart was beating loud every time she thought of some thing that possibly she knew the outcome to. It would take a matter of seconds to find her if she attempted to run for it.

 Especially if she got far when I turned away from her for a moment,  I would sense her blood and follow it till I found her again I was a predator, it wasn't hard to find what you now own, especially when that thing you owned smelt so delicious.

Her stomach rumbled again, even after I had given her a small snack but she would live for now.  The first snow started, falling lightly, landing on my already frozen skin.

 She stopped for half a second, to stare at the swirling white flakes that started picking up the speed as the storm was crossing over. A growl ripped threw my chest and I grabbed her roughly by the arm and swung her into my arms.

She tried to protest but I glared at her shutting her up, the colour in her face drained as fear overrided her senses every time she was around me. Her strange electric blue eyes that changed color to green and gold to all assortments of colours stared up at my mossy green ones.

 The trees were a blur, running through the forest was easier, I didn't have to worry about being seen by  humans, it was a spot to be free, to let the wind escape through my messy jet black hair.

Emily cringed from the cold, surprisingly shoving her face closer to my chest without hesitation, as she avoided the cold.

 She should be terrified of me right now, worrying if I was gonna tear her now pale throat out, that would turn as red as hell; as her blood would flow freely down her body. Just the thought of this made my throat burn with a crazed hunger.

"Where... are we going?"She gasped as she caught a mouthful of air.

"None of your business, now stop talking."I ordered. She cringed. But stopped, all I wanted to do was run in quiet, to get to the spot I needed to get to before the storm hit really hard, it was starting to become a blizzard. But I was able to run through the forest missing every tree, rock, and branch that swept around. It was my vampire instinct.

 I was almost there I could feel it. It would be another cabin but warmer, bigger and sturdier. Plus farther away from anything that could ruin my moment there.


Emily's POV

 I was curled into Dawnar's chest, something I would have hated, but the cold was harsh, my toes were numb, and my face stung. He told me not to talk, which I didn't want to but I was petrified deep inside me, I knew I was gonna go through a lot of pain with him, he was stronger, deadly, a creature of harmful power. It radiated off of him in large waves, making my skin crawl, and my heart pick up it's pace.

By the look of his face we were almost there. It was smug and it looked as if he was thinking of what he was going to do to me, a shudder went through me, he hugged me closer thinking it was  the cold, but that wasn't the case.

 I wanted to be in my bed, not in a vampire's arms. A vampire. Such a strange word to be saying, something that shouldn't even exist, only told in the classic tale of Dracula. It wasn't possible. But it was.

 No one would believe me if I got away, 'Girl missing, claims vampire kidnapped her' didn't goes so well.

 I didn't even realize we had stopped, the blizzard made it look like we were still running, he set me down on my feet. "Stay here, you run and you get seriously hurt, I'm going to check to see if the coast is clear" He said disappearing from sight, 'Coast is clear?' what did he mean by that.

 A thought came to me, we had stopped, which meant there was a possibility that we were here, to the spot he wanted to do some thing to me, we came all the way here for a reason..where ever here is. Which was bad because he wanted my blood and other stuff, my nerves took over and I took off in a direction that I had no idea where I was going. But I sure wasn't staying there waiting for my fate.

 I couldn't see in front me, and ended up hitting a tree. Or what I thought was a tree. My breath was knocked from me, as I fell backwards.

"I told you not to run." He said in such a angry tone that I felt my blood freeze. It was threatening, menacing, I wanted to disappear after hearing the iciness in his voice. I felt his hand grab me by the collar of my shirt, pulling me up, I couldn't see his face which I was grate full for.

 A growl ripped through the air.

Okay so there's the 3rd chapter vote commet, fan, it may not make sense but i have writer block and im so tired from the dance last night and getting up early today to go to toronto for the canada's got talent for my bff but we never got to go and im still up its 11:44 night



FAN <3

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