Chapter 9

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    Running and stopping now and again, for a quick breath,  I may be a good runner but it doesn't help when you know you are very weak and a crazed vampire is going to start following you the minute he wakes up.

  The cold bit at my face, making my nose burn slightly,  tightening the coats hood around my face keeping it a bit more protected from the on coming weather. It didn't help that it wasn't snowing, I needed it to cover my tracks, the snow was up to my knee's making me shuffle through it. Multiple times I had stumbled through it and fallen onto my face.

Dawnar would be able to find me instantly, with his vampire speed and sense of smell, and possibly hearing. But I needed to buy myself more time. Who knew what he was going to do to me now that I was running away from him, and well, considering after what ever I had 'done' to him in the car.

 He'd most likely punish me, BADLY. But I knew he wouldn't kill me...yet.  I stopped by a tree resting my hand on it and breathing heavy.

 How can I keep pushing myself? My body is so weak, I feel like I could just drop dead. Which could be a option, I might just end up freezing to death, or dying from starvation if I didn't find civilization any time soon.

Just as I was about to start walking again, a hand grabbed me by the waist while the other one was laid on my mouth. I screamed against it staring into a pair of ocean blue eyes. Fear struck me, well I was still scared but this was a stranger and definitely not Dawnar.

Who knows if they were a vampire and would do more worse things to me, as if Dawnar hadn't put me through enough as it is. Well it couldn't be as bad as Dawnar, he raped me, abused me and first of all was the one who kidnapped me. But maybe that's all I want to hear, to make myself feel the tiniest bit better and to lie to myself.

I struggled against the person, trying to scream all the while, but really there was no point to that, I was in the middle of no where, with a vampire on the loose.

I was pinned to a tree, my back taking all the impact, I tried to cry out, but again it was muffled.

The person pulled back, it was a man, he was rather handsome, he had blonde, shaggy hair. I couldn't stop staring into his deep blue eyes, I had forgotten that I was even in danger.

His eyes turned black, in hunger, which snapped me out of the spell I was in. I struggled against him again. His fangs came sliding out of his mouth. I cowered closer to the tree as far as it would let me, the unknown vampire advanced towards me, mouth wide open, fangs out for how, dripping with saliva.

My eyes wide, waiting for him to come near my neck.


Dawnars POV

My body ached all over, rare for a vampire to experience, the last thing I remembered was stopping the car and attempting to get some of Emily's sweet, delicious blood into my system.

 Crawling up with a groan, I tried to remember what happened after that. Something in the back of my head showed a bright light, and a scream that sounded like Emily, but I wasn't sure. I don't even remember getting out of the car afterwards, I knew Emily was in there, or she was, as I checked in it, there was no sign of her there other then a smashed window.

A growl ripped through me, that little bitch took off, her scent still lingered in the air but it was over a hour old.

  My skin burned slightly, which was strange for a vampire, it usually burns when you are a brand new vampire and exposed to the sun, burning them to a crisp, and as they get older it would burn like a sunburn, only with a bit of sizzle, and then when your my age which is 758 years old, it doesn't bug you, well other then a bit of weakness but nothing so bad.

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