Chapter 12

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We took the car again, it was a bit faster right now, so we wouldn't run into any vampire's making there way here towards the scene I had caused. It was easier to hide from unwanted visitors, due to the appearances of humans on the highway.

Brad was looking a bit nervous, he kept staring at me before gazing back at the mess we left, with Dawnars body as we started to get further away from his body, how I wanted to finish him so badly for everything he did to me. He doesn't deserve to live, he has to go down to the deeps of Hell.

 We drove at an incredible speed that I wasn't to sure if it was healthy for the car to go at, it was already in bad shape, the windows were smashed, and there was huge dents on the entire body of car. Which I'm pretty sure I helped in with the damage from what ever had just happened moments ago by my own hand. Now to just figure out 'what' I just did as my biggest issue.

The wind whipped me in the face hard from the shattered windows, but it felt good, after what I was trying to process  in my head, it was like a extra breath.

"How far is the safe place?"I asked quietly, still stuck in thought, thinking about how I used such power against a very strong vampire, and I wanted to hurt him more till he was a bleeding mess. But some thing kept trying to keep me thinking of good thoughts, keeping me away from the horrible thoughts that were trying to run through my mind.

"It's a few more hours away, but we need to hurry before the new vampires that are coming find you, and trust me you do not want them to find you." Just as he said this something or someone was standing in the middle of the road, I screeched, as I saw it was a pale women standing there with her fangs drawn out hanging over her bottom lip, her brown hair blowing wildly in the air, as she stood in front of us, I imagined, or more like wished that the car would drive right above her, as if it could fly, or go through her with out harming us, or slowing us down.

Just as I thought these things, the women was being flung into the air with a invisible force, crashing to the right sides of us, on the curb, she was shocked, as I turned back to look at Brads face, he was shocked as well as the lady.

His expression confused me, he was gawking at me with surprise. "What?"I mouthed, looking at him confused.

"You...did that to that vampire, you sent her flying in that direction. How'd you do that?"He asked trying to find his voice.

"What?' What did I do? I just imagined the car disappearing or some thing it was a simple wish and she was sent flying out of no where out of the way. Maybe it was me when I was thinking about her getting away or some thing like that." I gawked at him, that wasn't possible I didn't do anything.

How am I suppose to know? I have at least a thousand things going through my head.

"I don't know what your talking about."I said trying not to think about what I did, it made me nervous using power with out realizing it, and I'm afraid that I will hurt some one innocent. Dawnar did say I had something different with me, maybe he was talking about this...maybe Brad is right, I might just have some kind of power. A power that just made a vampire fly away.

"When I get to this place, what will happen?"I asked him. Curiosity erupting me. He instantly looked away from my eyes looking back towards the road, taking a minute to think about what he was going to say to me.

"When you get will meet some very strong vampire's." My face dropped into one of fear, I knew there was going to be vampire's but I was getting really tired of dealing with 'strong' ones, I'd hate to see a weak vampire. "No worries, they know how to control themselves, and besides they need to keep you safe from others. I can't explain it to you, it's not in my favor to do so." He added.

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