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You were blind.

"Why can't I see?!" you demanded, beginning to tug frantically at the flowers that now inched across your face and onto your eyes. There was the pain of being impaled by bone, but nothing would ever compare to the pain you felt from attempting to remove the flowers.

At this point you knew that the flowers were a sick way of telling you that your power over the reset button was limited. Even when you died, it seemed that another flower would sprout. Attempting to remove a flower was the same as trying to remove one of your organs with a steak knife.

"I-I don't w-want to die..." you murmur. The sensation of tears form at the corners of your eyes but refuse to fall, the flowers blocking the process.

"Everything is going to be alright," Flowey reassures you. "Look on the bright side
[Y/N]! You've made it farther than any human has before!"

"I'm not even halfway there," you growl. You crash to the ground suddenly, pain flaring in your ankle. "Is Papyrus back?!" you screech, bringing your knees up to your chest. You couldn't be impaled with another bone. It was too much.

"You just tripped over a stick," Flowey said reassuringly. You gave a brief nod, the petals of your flowers rubbing against him. Flowey said nothing as you continued.

On cue the stick was shattered. "Just keep going," he said, knowing that you were only delaying the inevitable.

"Don't you know how to greet - " the gruff voice came from behind you. And just lied that, a wave of emotions poured over you and you flung yourself into Sans' arms.

"Please don't kill me!" you begged, knowing that it was useless. How many times had you done this? Fifteen? Thirty?

"You don't understand..." Sans' voice wavered. Tears landed on your skin and more emotions hammered through you. "Even if I tried... Papyrus would kill me and then you." He gave a cold hearted laugh. "If he didn't torture you first."

You reached to brush a tear from using cheekbone but only met the cold Snowdin air. "He's gone," Flowey murmured.

"I got the feeling," you snapped and began your descent towards town.

"HALT HUMAN!" the voice seemed to come from all around you. You couldn't help but whimper and take a step back. Now that your vision had been completely deprived from you, uncertainty was killing you.


"Sans..." your voice came out as a whisper as the sound of Papyrus jerking Sans' leash echoed from around you. "Please don't kill me..."

A minute passed and no bone had penetrated you. How many resets did you have left after this one?

"STOP STANDING THERE YOU LAZY BONES! KILL THE HUMAN!" Papyrus roared, kicking Sans in his side. The sound of crunching filled the brief silence followed by a deep throated growl from Sans.

"How dare you..." he spat, standing upright. "I am not an animal... I am - "

You couldn't see, but you knew that Papyrus was going to kill you himself. "Go on then!" you laughed, insanity threatening to spill over. "Your brother won't kill me, so why don't you do it instead?!"

Papyrus was silent. "VERY WELL THEN," he said at last.

You spread your arms out, welcoming your death. Maybe I won't come back this time to endure this hell, you thought with satisfaction.

Something wrapped around your waist and you were met with a blast of warm air. "W-What happened?" you stammered, looking at the spot where Flowey was on your shoulder.

"S-Sans t-teleported us..." Flowey said, disbelief in his voice.

You turned around and hugged the spot where you assumed Sans was standing. "Thank you," you murmured into his coat fur. He remained silent for a moment before returning the hug.

"Anytime kiddo."

Now matter how much you tried, Sans' eye had remained on the ominous purple color. He was frequently engaged in conversations with his dead friends, laughing at unheard jokes.

"I guess you could say I'm a BONE-afied expert!" Sans cackled from his room. Your head shot up from a force of habit, expecting him to emerge from upstairs but shook the feeling off. He had long since retreated to the confines of his bedroom. The few social interactions you had with him was sliding food under his door.

The plates were never returned.

Obviously you needed to leave the Underground to search for your brother and few friends you had made in the village, but Sans was your only way of leaving. Outside was a dark terrain full of uncertainty.

You couldn't take it much longer.

You began to slowly climb the stairs and formed your right hand into a fist, ready to knock on the door. Your hand wrapped around the knife tucked securely in your belt loop. Just in case, you thought to yourself. I won't use it on him. I won't...

You gave a solid two knocks on the door and waited. Whatever conversation Sans had been having with his friends ended abruptly.

"Who's there?" a ragged voice replied.

"You know," you replied, a smirk on your face.

"You know who?" Sans replied and then stopped, already getting the joke.

"Exactly," you replied. "Now open the door. We're leaving."

Slowly, the wooden door creaked open. Sans' room itself was an enigma, shrouded in darkness. Plates and miscellaneous food was thrown across the floor. Claw marks were on the walls. Sans had his hood over his head, a sadistic smile on his face. His purple eye was now a mixture of purple and red. "What do you think?" Sans flashed you a smile. "It was Undyne's idea."

"I think it could use a little more decoration," you replied, forcing a humored smile onto your face. Something told you that if you disagreed with Sans on the slightest issue, he would have no problem killing you.

"You're right," Sans said, examining his room and then frowning. "What do you mean we're leaving? I was having so much fun here..." His left hand twitched impatiently and you noticed that he had shaven his hands down to form claws.

"I guess a few more days wouldn't hurt..." you agreed, your voice tight from fear.

"A few more days..." Sans nodded and shut the door, locking it.

You slowly retreated downstairs and into the kitchen where you sat against the wall - brought your knees up to your chest - and began to cry.

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