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The rest of the day was remotely peaceful. Sans had disappeared to who knows where and Undyne and Papyrus spent hours in the kitchen learning how to cook. Occasionally the fire alarm would blare and smoke would pour from under the door.

I think I'll get takeout tonight, you thought as you watched smoke billow from the kitchen for the third time this hour. You flopped onto the couch and then realized with a pang that the television in the house had to be manually operated to flip through channels. This is so much work, you internally groan and closed your eyes, sleep seeming a much better option than getting up from the couch.

You were surrounded by a vast expansion of white. Fear lodged itself in your chest at how serial your surroundings were. "Hello?" you called out, wincing as your voice echoed back to you.

"There is no one here," a deep voice growled from behind you.

You instinctively whipped around to see a shorter version of Sans smiling up at you. He had a red scarf wrapped around his neck, the only color to his outfit besides the blood staining his shirt and running down his mouth. One of his eyes had been glitched out, though you could make out traces of severe damage.

"That is, no one here but us," he finished, a forced smile spreading across his skull. You laughed nervously, unsure if this Sans was mentally sound. There were few sane ones these days.

"What..." you struggled to find the right word. "What happened to you?"

He gave you a sad smile and twisted the fraying ends of his scarf around his hand. "That is another story for a another time," he said softly. "My name is Geno and you are..." He paused for a moment as if in deep thought. "You are [Y/N]."

You nodded slowly and then staggered backwards as an onrush of pain flashed through your mind. It felt as if someone has taken daggers and was taking your brain apart piece by piece, searching for any detail they could. "What are you doing?" you howled, massaging your temples as the pain gradually faded. Only when the pain had fully subsided did he reply.

"We are not alone in the void," he whispered and cast a nervous glance behind himself. "He is watching us and does not approve of your presence here."

"But why risk it by bringing me here?"

"You are in danger [Y/N] and the time will come when you must make a choice that will alter the fate of the multiverse entirely. There is a war coming, one that will strip away many of those that you hold dear to you."

"When you think you have won, I will come and take everything you have ever known or loved away from you. You will be cast into a world where no one remembers your name," Chara's warning rang through your ears. Chills ran up your spine.

"I won't let that happen," you raised your head defiantly and narrowed your eyes at whatever invisible entity was observing your conversation.

"It's not that simple," Geno gave you a sad smile. There was a conflict of emotions that flashed through the friendly lights of his eyesockets as he raised his hand, creating a rift. "I hope the next time that we meet will not be to discuss an act of war," he said grimly.

You found yourself eager to leave the skeleton and his vast world of nothingness.

When your surroundings finally returned to you, the pungent smell of burnt spaghetti and garlic overwhelmed your sense of smell. "Is there any takeout?" you asked, fixing your gaze on Sans who sat a few feet away from you.

"There is, but you would risk getting mugged and having your eyes ripped out," he replied casually and walked into the kitchen.

Dry pasta suddenly seemed more tempting.

Reluctantly, you refused after Sans and took your place next to him at the breakfast bar. As Papyrus happily placed a plate of spaghetti - which looked like a pineapple that had been dried out and then scorched in fire - in front of you, Sans flashed you a knowing smile and produced a bottle of ketchup. He emptied the entire bottle onto his food and happily ate it.

"No fair," you whined and stabbed the spaghetti with your fork.


Undyne glared at you harshly. You slowly lifted the fork to your mouth and forced the dry food to slide down your throats and into your stomach. "SANS, WHY IS THE DOG TURNING GREEN?" Papyrus demanded as you turned towards Sans and emptied the contents of your stomach onto him.

"Why you - " Sans spat and waved his hand, the vomit disappearing in a puff of blue smoke.

"Revenge," you snickered.

A ferocious pounding echoed from the front room. Sans suddenly stiffened in his chair and grabbed you by the hand, leading you to a nearby closet. "No matter what happens," he warned, "stay in the closet."

You replied with a hasty nod as he slowly closed the door. A woman's gruff voice greeted the skeleton brothers and Undyne. They exchanged a few words that you couldn't make out before the kitchen door suddenly flew open. "I KNOW THEY ARE IN HERE!" the woman roared. The sound of pots hitting the floor echoed across the room as she began to search for you.

Harsh light flooded the closet as the door was thrown aside. A massive goat woman stood before you. She clutched a white handbag and wore single purple hat and blouse. A light-purple skirt fell down to what you assumed were her knees. "T-Toriel..." Papyrus began, his voice extremely quiet. "This is all a misunderstanding. This is not a human, but a dog that is very fluent in languages."

"A DOG?!" she hissed and picked you up as if you weighed nothing. She began to cradle you in her arms despite your protests. You caught the sight of Sans' embarrassment and decided to turn this towards your advantage.

"T-They treated me so m-meanly," you whimpered, a single tear rolling down your left cheek. "They f-fed me dog food and made me sleep on the c-cold f-floor." You pressed closer to Toriel, flashing Sans a triumphant smirk. "I'm glad that you came for me, g-goat mom."

Toriel seemed to believe you and grabbed Sans by the scruff of his shirt until he was hovering three feet above the ground. "If I ever here that you have treated this child poorly again, I will pick my teeth with your own bones. Am I clear?"

You noticed with triumph that her eyes had turned a deep crimson, making her much more menacing than she actually was. Sans replied with a curt nod as Toriel exited the house.

"I want takeout," you demanded, looking from a shaken Sans to Papyrus who remained motionless by the door. "Or else T-Toriel w-will h-here about h-how b-badly you treated me."

"Fine," Sans mumbled, motioning for you to come with him.

"But don't say that I didn't warn you."

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