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The italicized words represent an event that will happen in the future and the paragraphs in the normal font represent what happened directly after the last chapter. It's kind of like two stories going on at once if that makes sense.


"Did you really think you were going to get a happy ending?"

You stared in horror at the black tendrils slowly snaking their way up your left arm. "We are nothing alike," you spat, your voice laced with an overwhelming amount of hatred. Chara cocked her head to one side, her smile widening.

You refused to look at Chara. The red knife trembled ever so slightly in your hand.

"Why would you say such a thing [Y/N]?" she took a step closer to you. "I am the embodiment of whatever emotions people like you wish to separate themselves from. Hate, anger, greed... Those emotions compose my entire being."

"Just choose already," Chara muttered and stared at her hand. "Unless you want me to choose for you."

"Humans wish to idolize themselves as 'perfect' beings by masking whatever negative emotions they may have." Chara looked up at you, a sadistic glint in her eyes. "And where do you think all of it goes [Y/N]? Me."

Memories of Blueberry flashed through your mind. You replied with a quick shake of your head and studied the figures. Every being that surrounded you was a living embodiment of Sans. Fear gnawed at you. Would killing one of them result in a chain reaction that would kill them all?

"That doesn't explain anything," you hissed and motioned to your arm. "What is this?"

Your eyes fell to a dusted coat. Though his face was not visible, you could identify him as Dusttale Sans. "That one," you pointed to him with the tip of your knife.

"That is me. Every emotion that I am made up of, it's going into you."

Chara cast a look of disapproval at you. "I'm rather fond of him..." she muttered and waved her hand. A white mist surrounded all of the figures, giving away nothing of their identities. "Now choose."

Horror welled in your chest. "No," you gasped and began to scratch at your arm in a vain attempt to remove the black tendrils creeping up your skin.

You bit the tip of your tongue, hot, metallic blood pouring into your mouth. A hollow feeling emerged in your stomach. No matter what, Chara would ensure that you killed off a Sans that you were close to.

"Why are you so afraid?" Chara studied you.

"Why?" you motioned to the circle around you. "What is the point in any of this?"

"I-I..." Hatred threatened to consume you. After everything you had done, didn't you deserve a happy ending? "I don't have to explain myself to you!"

There was some unidentifiable emotion that flashed in Chara's eyes. "People don't understand what it's like..." She cut herself off. The emotion was replaced with one of defiance. "I don't have to explain myself to you!"

Chara's smirk widened as the black tendrils shot through your skin, reaching your shoulder blade. "Anger only causes them to grow faster [Y/N]."

She flicked her hand upwards. Pain seared through your spine and you collapsed to the ground, tears welling in your eyes. "Choose," she spat, kicking you harshly on the ribs.

You couldn't contain the hysterical laugh that rose in the back of your throat. An overwhelming sense of tranquility replaced the storm of emotions in your mind. "Go ahead," you replied and spread out your arms. "I don't have anything else to lose."

The pain in your spine drove you forwards. Your head whipped around blindly, struggling to choose who your victim would be.

Chara scanned your face for any indication of your motives. Your eyes flickered down to the tendrils that were slowly fading away.

You couldn't help but let out a sadistic laugh. No matter what you did, no matter how hard you tried, fate had led you to this moment.

A triumphant grin spread across your face. "I will never be you," you leaned closer to Chara and placed three fingers against her forehead.

"5..." her voice sung across the room.

Chara let out a screech as the black substance that she was composed of slowly faded away. In front of you was a small girl that resembled Frisk. Her eyes were a deep crimson with a light blush to her cheeks.

"4..." In a blind panic, you approached a masked figure.

"W-What?" she stared at her hands in awe. "What did you do to me?"

"3..." You gently touched the skull of the Sans you had chosen. Tears streamed down your face as you slowly lifted the red knife.

You opened your mouth to explain when her shoulders slumped forward. Chara looked at you in surprise before collapsing to the ground.

"Forgive me," you whispered. "2..." she continued the countdown.

A twitching figure stood behind Chara, the red knife still buried in the human version of herself. "What did you do to her?" you snarled. Any pity you had felt towards her had vanished.


"Such power manifested in you, yet you can barely control it," Chara chided. "You didn't 'fix' me [Y/N]. You only separated the human version of myself. And boy, do I owe you a huge thanks for that."

You closed your eyes and drove the knife into Sans. The figure stiffened and collapsed to the ground. "I'm so sorry," you whispered and dropped the red knife to the ground, wincing as a loud clatter echoed across the quiet room.

It was only then did you realize how much of an abomination she was. Before you was the hollow remains of a girl that had been mistreated in her former life, her hatred for humanity prolonging her existence even beyond death. "We shall meet again
[Y/N]," Chara muttered.

"It is done," the demon chuckled as she materialized from behind you.

You watched as she disappeared, wondering when you would see her again. A newfound determination burned in your chest. Whenever it was, you would be ready for her.

Your squared your shoulders in defeat. Slowly, you cleared the mask surrounding the face of the Sans you had killed.

Nothing could prepare you for what came next.

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